>> Goodbye Punkbuster

Current status of the violating #GAMEHACK 80332 kick cauz of a GIGANTIC STUPIDITY of Punkbuster-Coders.

Somebody who was registered on nC leaked files of rsHook to punkbuster to get the hack detected. But unfornately they couldn't crack the code of the hack-files.

So they didnt see any other solution to get the hack detected as to add a signature to their punkbuster B.exe which kicks everybody who have the text-signatures (which should allready known by all here) in the memory on his computer.

but i ask me all the time how punkbuster can be so stupid and add a signature which kick you from a server by scanning the memory for a text-signature only.

If I am a coder of Punkbuster I must alway expect that some cheatcoder takes deep analysing of my codes..... or do I am not?

Everybody know, that punkbuster allready deleted the signatures from their Punkbuster B.exe

..... so nobody can be kicked for #GAMEHACK 80332 anymore.

Somebody says, that they also stopped their feature which scans all the memory on your computer (Bad spyware IMO)

So this its no fault from crossfire or any "OTHER" community its only yeah really only the fault of whole PUNKBUSTER TEAM.

Graatz pb you have destroyed yourself.....

IMO almost everybody dont trust punkbuster anymore now.

Say goodbye punkuster... it wa a nice time with you

image: punkbuster


.... discuss
LOL :< they rly fucked the game up

EDIT: will there come a new anti-cheat system?
for a dead and free game? dont think so
imo pb is the only working system so blaming the pb admins is a bit too easy, if you think you can do this better, then feel free to make your own! These guys have ALOT of things on their mind when it comes to countermeasures because there are ALOT of possible glitches in such a system. So stop whining about PB, there is an error, but humans make errors u twat.
ye humans make errors thats right....

but such an error means the death of their system.

What would you say if you are pay money that your game is save of cheaters and then such as yesterday happens?

You will say ok good thanks pb just make a update an all its ok again?
From my point of view [Enemy Territory] I do not pay, so i couldnt care less. Most of the people here play ET anyway, and since it only affected these players, they are whining about a free service. Without PB ET would have been long gone. And yes, if punkbusted decides to remove this flaw from their system then im happy, because there might be quite some undeteced cheaters in ET, but without PB close to everyone could be cheating and nobody would even know. So please, just give them time to fix it, maybe they will even issue a statement to say "we apologize". But no need to randomly assault a system which [even with flaws] has done its job protecting this game against the most obvious/detectable hacks. Better some then none imo.
you dont pay for the ET but activision and splashDamage have to pay money to punkbuster...or you are thinking they made all this for less?
No, but then activision and splashdamage have the right to be upset, etplayers are just randomly flaming PB.
player dont have the right to be upset? Some kicked for GAMEHACK without using any hacks...
Ìf they dont want the game [with the flaws that come with it] they shouldnt play

If they want to paly they should take the flaws [and possible glitches] for granted..

And btw it was NC who started this shit, without them nobody would know, nobody would care, so i think your flaming the wrong people/system.
everybody have another opinion.....
But you must know that nC hates pb.... maybe this is the reason why they do this?
`True, but they hit the ETplayers alongside with this action, maybe just do something that only hits PB [no idea what, not into hackzor stuff]
when you buy rtcw you also buy W:ET since its included in the cd...
Noone should get a way with such a hairy way to detect a cheat, and whoever wrote it needs to be exposed to a LOT of flame so that he doesn't make the same mistake again.
Flaming people will only make them quit what they are doing since they dont see the point in it. And id rather have PB then nothing at all.
Depends on the maturity of the person, and the nature of the flame. Flaming the piece of code is OK, but labeling the person as stupid is bad. After all, humans do mistakes, but mistakes like this can and should be avoided.
i agree but banning for a text string is a bit dumb imo (we just saw the effects of it). to me it's the same when pb kicks for a cvar or md5. cvar or md5 aren't a proof that a cheat is being used (a server could force someone to have a cheat cvar or to download a file from a cheat). If you compare this to real life, a guy owning a gun would be accused of murder. Imo PB should only kick when it's 100% sure that a cheat is being used (i guess it refers to #50000s and #60000s kicks).
pb should also be a lot more transparent concerning what their software do and what their updates bring.
Well my knowlege of PB isnt that great, but its nice to see someone give contstructive critisism on this site for once.
ok i readed it like few times and still dont understand. nice pic anyways
i want official statement by pb, before i start blame.
my statement is "gtfo"
Just quit ET : - )
yeah blame pb our only anti cheat resource, and who will help us ?
nobody ET is death
dont blame it then, and as long as peoples plays it and theres competitions i cant see why its dead yet
competition without any anti-cheat-software? hf
pb is an anti cheat software
you are right!
We saw this last night x)
things can happen, they still do their job
we will see...
and pb prevented all haxgin up to now as well :D ?

this is just ridiculous talk... there are lots of cheaters on publics etc, but only a minority that actually use something in wars. And pb surely couldn't prevent that minority from using that stuff
Stupid mentality
you cannot tolerate the Truth?
Which truth ? Everybody knows PB isnt great, some assholes made everybody banned,i dont think PB wanted that but u'r still whining on them.Whine on ppl using bugs to prove how nolife they rly are
ppl which know what to do, can do same in other games if needed... coz of fusengates that was some kind of "knockback" in ET i guess
orly? they can do it in other games, too :/
You're a fucking retard for blaming PB, if PB wasnt here you'd still be playing vs nexus or crusher users ..
niggah please
What ? If you want to blame some1 blame nC .. okay it wasnt the smartest way to detect cheats but without nC nobody wouldve known and nobody wouldve exploited the bug ..
without leaking files nC havent to analyse PB to update their bots.
Yo can Continue my Thought?
be happy they're even trying ..?
because of leakers the bots of nC got detected.
So nC Coders had to analyse pb-software to solve the detection problem. While they analysed pb they found the bug. And the the apocalypse began.

no problem XD
nC where showing how shit PB is. PB IS SHIT.

they "FAILED"

multi millionair company and they give us this bollox
cause its a free game where they arent getting paid for.
how about you go work somewhere without getting paid and to please some immature cunts ?
ok then (EX) cheater. please /quit ET
ok (CURRENT) retard. please enjoy your game which is about to die !
i do enjoy this game and its for free. unlike a retard who pays $100 for it xDDDD
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