mAus < Steve

seriously just saw it and this guy is more than amazing, he is simply botlike.
anime is a tard
shall i make a screenshot of the reply button or can you find it yourself?
i diden`t want to reply to you :)
Japan players are underrated, same as United States of America and Canada!

naiz muwie =)
Dunno about japs, but north American players are certainly not underrated.
Please, bd|matt is at least as good as mAus...

Seriously though, North American teams suck, but the individual player skill is comparable to Europeans.
kidding me? last time I specced him in usa vs est his aim sucked. and wasnt he cheating anyway? atleast the avi I saw was too weird when he was playing with sten.
Yes I was kidding you, but only a little, don't judge based on one match... There is no proof that he is cheating (weird clips are aplenty for all skilled players) and he is pretty good at COD4 and such, so I don't think he's cheating.

BTW, it is harder to aim with 200 ping... I wish there were servers in the middle of the Atlantic. :(
you didnt see that avi :D? it is bugg or aimbot. most obivious avi ever made
The bridge snap? That happened to me all the time with my old mouse, and the return movement could be just fast reflexes. Or the server could have lagged while he was aiming. Or it could be a bug, which ET still has a handful of. That video is way overrated, it's no proof at all.

When you have actual aiming like the malczik clips, that's at least something to go on because there's bot-like aiming. The snap could be anything. He doesn't even aim like a humanized bot anyway. It was the same thing with mAus before he went to CDC...
not really, and I think that never happened with ur old mouse(i know my old mouse used to move too where it wanted but it never came to same point where it started to movement -,.-). just watch that avi again.
Whatever, I'm pretty sure he doesn't hack, but I won't convince you. I watched the .avi a few times when it was first made and it really wasn't that special how he returned to near the original position. My mouse once snapped with the MG42, shooting at a wall, and I killed someone behind it (seriously, in ET). Apparent malfunctions like that just can't be considered definite proof.
Ridiculous, Matt is nothing compared to mAus. Those clips are solid proof imo, I know snapping is possible, but returning to the target so fast and so accurately isn't. In addition to that, wouldn't you be surprised if your mouse snapped like that?

I played around 6 months in the North American scene, I think I know how you guys play :)
If stuff like that was solid proof, torspo would be banned along with many other legit players. Fact is, he neither snapped to someone's position on the bridge, nor back to the original targets head (he was already dead at that point). Nothing in that clip shows bot-like movement, since bots don't snap to empty space randomly, even if you're toggling. Saying it's a hack malfunction is also highly, highly unlikely, if you understand how bots work.

I know you played in NA, but since we have potential for teams like u5, and probably even better, I say some of our players are underrated. Obviously it depends what you're comparing to, but I think some could be 'competitive' with top European players.
Ok, you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Have a good day.
Of course, obviously.

I think you're the one that is ignorant from the technical side of things if you can't see at least 5 different explanations for a snap/return like that. Name one thing that I said was wrong if I'm so clueless.
Ofcourse, nice to see them online @ med/higher, and low+ @ Quakecon :P
idk what you saw but i saw them high at qcon 05
at 06 only 1 serious team attended
And from what I remember emanon_K and Spartan were still taking out butchji and co. in 2v5.
06 idd, didnt see 05
his aim is rly nice, i want his mouse settings and cfg =D
same here :/

€ seems to be highsens with low m_pitch D:
i bet he aims via keyboard arrows =D dunno but there was/is some Japan CS pro who aimed like that xD
<fanboism detected>
same here! ;x'
thats rat, everybody can beat him. mr back-up allstar
Malta Steve > Belgium mAus
he is from japan not malta ;D
oh really
Malta toxic
almost the same flag
STEEEEEEEEEVE <3 remind, stain, totono, ayamy, nonke, kirark, mosaic, kevin <3
friendsstealer dö!
i lold -_-
is it the real urkel?!
sloooow mirrors :<
There are about 100 players in japanese community and there's...errr, THIS ?
Speced him vs Vorwarts! - decent but not awesome.
ur just jealous!
oh come on. ;o
and Vorwarts sucked.
just saw his movie and it's pretty nice but i mean are those teams he plays against even any good?? vs low/med every 'high' EU player most likely does the same.
true, till now EU > japan, by far
thought the same
i dont know the clans/guys he owns
nice frags but i can also play vs lowretarded nonames and make nice frags
like you may see this arent just nice frags look @ his tracking ...
yeah nice too but some scenes were a lil bit humanized like i think :P
f.e. look at the scene 0:25 the last guy he kills with smg
or 3:25 - he knows that the rifle comes in that moment fo sho...
6:30 the guy behind the stone stv know how many shots he need to kill him o_O

my opinion 'Bans! UPDATE 16' or smth :D
Against low japanese enemies? :P
What does this have to do with aiming quality?
It's much easier to aim as u just don't have so much knockback and as u have more time to aim precise.
That's not really true!
Of course it is. If you play against a decent enemy then you get shot by any side and don't have much time to aim precise, because firstly you will die faster and secondly because it's much harder to handle the knockback. I don't say that he is a noob or that he hasn't a good aim, but it's still not the same to do that against probaly lower skilled japanese, instead against european's top teams.
Well theres a challenge for u. Make a movie with lowskilled opponents and aim like god
I won't waste so much time. ;) And read again...I didn't say he sucks, but still a big difference!
dein englisch ist kackwürstig
he hasn't a good aim =/= he doesn't have a good aim
Depends alot on the playing style aswell.
It does. But where is the conflict? There also many players, whose aim does not look great, but they have a great game intelligence and a great moving, so they are still fucking up the top players. So a movie with frags against japanese players, who are probaly not so skilled doesn't show so much...that's all what I said all the time.
I'll comment after I've seen the movie. (In an hour or so)
Like u know something :-D
Are you trying to say something? >:[
I was trying to say that you don't know :-( was it too hard to understand? :/
That doesn't really make any sense, what do I don't know?
How do you know they are low?
Japanase players are really underrated.
Just watch this movie, all of them have got really good aim. So i wouldn't call them lowskills.
And check STMOVIE3 Steve has incredible aim but he gets a lot dmg also.

I hope u understand :)
That's why I have put a questionmark as I don't know their skilllevel and I also noted "probaly" in my text above. It still doesn't change the fact that's much easier to have a good looking aim against lower skilled enemies. :P
menso just think a second man japanese players and all other players have a different sort of they're own gameplay.
Mmh. I don't get ur point tbh. :P
i mean that he movement and aim is not the same like europeans they can run circles or what ever and maybe some other shit but still its different :P
Can be. I haven't seen it yet as I have no codecs installed here and own3d didn't host it yet. But it doesn't change my point tbh. :P
It's not playing it fluently...without the codec guide by ag0n.
Fuck u, I wanna watch that movie now but i g2g to army in 15min >:(
where did they play? need ettv ip!
Vorwarts! ETTV Server

Shows kr / jp replays.
wots his name there?
Most likely stv
bb butchji
just backrape mostly, and he is so much better than his opponents -,-. maus would rape this guy tbh.
Did he? They played in Japan vs Europe game last year (IIRC).
riisisilmät in action
at least its the best fragmovie in et ive seen so far. nicely done and finally some music that suits! gg
totally overrated :/
I have seen the movie and i didn't like it.What is so special about his aim ?

He is waiting infront of the spawn and kills 3 men.Thats what he is actually doing all the time wait , shoot. He is backraping way too much."+leanleft and +leanright are his best friends.

so whats left ? The hitsounds when he is backraping 4 men.

gg movie 5/10
I propose ShowMatch 1on1 mAus vs Steve :D
This guy has the most amazing reflexes, really nice to watch

+ the music is sexy Hold your Colour :D
idd ! ( old journal gg )

hold your colour

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