im in need of some help....

hey good morning all!
hope u had a good start? im at work allrdy, first coffee. hope this day is over soon.

hi tobi, hi noor <3

im in need of a windows boot cd which works complete (not where i have to skip some files) to reinstall windows new...

or u help me to find out, what i shall do that i wont get this message "rpc server not available" again, when im trying to install some progs.. :/
yes i started it in registry, didnt work...
hello good morning hf @ work

i cant help you sorry :<
fobje <3
np :DD
have a nice day
to you too <3
where are you working ?
a lil tax advisor/accounting office with 15ppl. but my boss isnt here this week, so it bit relaxed.

hows u?
haha good for you that there is no boss :D

i'm @ "university" something like that

and ofc good for me too cuz my teacher arent here :D

@ weekends im working for a cinema :<
Started fucked up, came to school just heard i got 1st hour free ::::::::''''''''''((((((((
lol same here my teacher is not here, she went to the hospital cuz her husband got some probs, sad i know :<
yea it sucks itttttttt suckssssssss
and the other shit thing is that my 2nd hour would be with that teacher as well so nicefuckup !
:XD k i dont got that, only positive thing is that im done with school at 12:30
i tell you the best :

1st and 2nd : no teacer so nicefuckup

3rd and 4th : i dont have anything here so i have to wait till ->

5th 6th 7th : i hope this teacher will be here today
::dDdD damn gl
I'm at work as well, don't have any coffee but i had 3 cups 8am. Just another boring day, but i'm glad i have something to do...
Same and I just finished my 3rd :p
Hi Schnee <3

It's called "unattended installation", google for it maybe !
appears your windows cd is broken and can't copy those files anymore.

I got a few versions lying around here, come pick em up imo.
long way ONLY for a windows cd? nothing more to offer?
sure. a cup of coffee? cuz you are too shy for anything else really.
tru :p

ya coffee sounds good. :DDD
then by all means, hop in your car. see ya in 7 to 8 hours.
im at work.... :///
upload it for her!! :]
or she could just use newsgroups?
Try to install the programs with admin right? I have no clue rly =D

Edit: Could it be teh blaster worm? get rid of it and install
i have one x:
hi schnee!

to the point > arent OS cd's bootable ?

best solution would be to phone people local to you that u know, find out if they have a disc and go pick it up.

you could always download one that wouldnt be a problem if u have ure cd key

hi slasheh!

to the point > does your pc work again?

best solution would be to come to ventrilo tonight =D

it was never broke ¬_¬

it was a ruge to get away from the sexy wsk :P

na i'll get it back tomorrow or friday i think
hi saskia <3

like i told you yesterday, the prob is u have to start those devices concerning the rpc servers - but u told me u cant. so i assume the win xp installation aint complete and fine. i could borrow u some official versions of xp, but that wont work so i suggest u to look around @ your neighboorhood / friends to get a working xp version, which is updateable too! -> dunno if u still can update win with a trick, even if its not offical version.

ill soon be somewhere near berlin, if u can wait...and i mean not for me, for xp :D

good morning! <3
i got an old pc from my work with an original key. gonna try tonite.. :DDD

and yes , yes ah yes :DDDD

helllooooo :DDD
morning schnee :)))) yea just woke up & drinking coffeee & watching "Dirty Hands 3" :D
I have a copy you can have, check your pm
hey... i got a german version, but thx a lot. it works al now. it was the fucking shit i dled from the inet. rest will follow today
morning, im eating breakfast and going to school in one hour
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING CROSSFIRE...I am eating bread with Peanut butter atm and gonna go to my internship in 1 hour <o/
yooo saskia

i dont know :( soz!

best of luck <3
thx maltaboy!

morning all :) I just got home from school early coz my teacher was sick <3
i think i shouldnt make a newinstallation again by myself :pp
lol its easy enough to do :)

i think there might even be a repair option, that might do the trick
maybe next time ill take a original version of XP... i dunno what didnt work...
in the afternoon a friend of mine who is systemblaablaa admin will come to watch for it.. i guess he will say: SASKIA WHAT THE HELL U DID LAST NIGHT?! ;DD
your rambling impresses me, we will get along fine Sassypants >:
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