Flyff: Fly For Fun !
26 Mar 2008, 12:15
Since i saw some journals about flyff, people asking do you play it? Is it nice ? What is it ? I decided to make a journal about it with some information.
First of all, Flyff: Fly For Fun is a MMORPG.
If you login into the game, you will see different servers: Aibatt, Lawolf, Mia, Glaphan ...
You pick one of these servers, i would advice Lawolf ( since i play there ), if you really want you can choose another server however the economy on other servers is usually a bit fucked up.
If you click on 'Lawolf' or on any other server, and click next you will see Server 1, 2, 3 & 4. You can play on any of these servers with your character. Server 1 is usually busy or full, since most people are on it to sell their weapons armors etc in the towns.
So for example you pick server 2, you press create and choose what sex you wanna be, what color of eyes etc.
Now you're ready and press login, you're in the world! ( ohnoes )
You are starting as a lvl 1 vagrant and need to lvl up to lvl 15 to choose you're first class: magician, acrobat, assist or mercenary. Ofcourse you need to do a quest at lvl 15 to become one of the classes, u can find all the information @
I can tell you lvl 1-15 is the boring part of the game, believe me.
The rest of the game, find it out @ Lawolf server ;>
If you are interested or playing the game: #FlyFF.ET @ Quakenet
First of all, Flyff: Fly For Fun is a MMORPG.
If you login into the game, you will see different servers: Aibatt, Lawolf, Mia, Glaphan ...
You pick one of these servers, i would advice Lawolf ( since i play there ), if you really want you can choose another server however the economy on other servers is usually a bit fucked up.
If you click on 'Lawolf' or on any other server, and click next you will see Server 1, 2, 3 & 4. You can play on any of these servers with your character. Server 1 is usually busy or full, since most people are on it to sell their weapons armors etc in the towns.
So for example you pick server 2, you press create and choose what sex you wanna be, what color of eyes etc.
Now you're ready and press login, you're in the world! ( ohnoes )
You are starting as a lvl 1 vagrant and need to lvl up to lvl 15 to choose you're first class: magician, acrobat, assist or mercenary. Ofcourse you need to do a quest at lvl 15 to become one of the classes, u can find all the information @
I can tell you lvl 1-15 is the boring part of the game, believe me.
The rest of the game, find it out @ Lawolf server ;>
If you are interested or playing the game: #FlyFF.ET @ Quakenet
€ ddl it already made account :x
My max speed here at work is around 7-10 MB/s
9 mb/sec, 1 min download :D
but download speed at home is max 200kb/s and here 20 MB/sec but mostly 10 MB is used by others so I can use the other 10 :D
I also download all my fragmovies here :>
WoW is simply the best mmo _ATM_ , 13euros is not like "omg"
btw if there is a wow irc channel with etpalyer , thnx!
GAMEHACk was found
no joke, sth to do with my Nod32 I guess :/