et.exe wtf?

when i start et,and i open task manager...i see et.exe using more and more memory(it gets to +700mb)
this fks up the whole game,fps going wild,and movement is terrible

How can i fix this problem?i tried using search but i couldnt find nothing...

after doing:
Quotedelete your demos, screenshots and stats

Quote+com_hunkmegs "512" +com_zonemegs "64" +com_soundsmegs "64"

nothing happened...ram usage is still high,cpu usage 80%

installed et on another partition...didnt do any good
installed it on another hdd...same thing nothing happened

tryed everything...nothing worked...dont know what could i do more
Quotei tried using search but i couldnt find nothing...

i no beliefs
yea...people using all this weird names 4 maus busted...or things like problem is not in the journal name...but ill search more :D
fformat c
yea...i found them too now
Quotedelete your demos, screenshots and stats
by snoop :D

hope it will work
yes.. did it help..?
try com_hunkmegs 192
and not in config, but in command line
et.exe +seta com_hunkmegs 192
actuallly, both config and commandline
and stop the hax ;)
with hunkmegs 192 it starts from 48mb et.exe using...but it dont stop from getting bigger...its like 10-15 mins...going to 250...and not stoping :<
so you restart it when it gets to 500, np :P
It is most likely a driver problem as it may be picking up the wrong game. A rumor has been around that the new drivers are automatically picking up games, and setting ram/CPU frequency for maximum performance. Try using older drivers and disabling other services running in the back.
reinstalling windows will surely fix it xD
i've installed windows...format c :D and the game was in d
and i have the same problem@i installed et now on another partition@on another hdd :<
but...ohhh...hmm..if i think better...ive installed windows on some other partition (f) and c has old windows files...hmm...ill fix this.
:DDDDDDDDDD 9128490238429402 hdds on your pc as i see ...
Parent trying...deleted over 500 screenshots and 500 demos...hope it will work
done that with the demos :D
once had that with a broken hard disk!
had the same probs + high tempature. after i bought a new grpahiccard the problem was solved :S
reinstall videodrivers if it doesn't help - reinstall windows
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