Laptop Help..

Hai, i need some help please.

When i try to load my laptop it just refuses to move past the boot screen (black screen with asus in the background with f2: enter setup and esc:popup menu in the bottom left corner)

Tried pressing f2/esc and get a message saying..

"Auto-detecting USB Mass Storage Devices ..
00 USB mass storage devices found and configured. "

Any ideas?

Edit: Can't get into my bios settings or find out how to reset them, help would be appreciated <3
Remove all USB devices and then restart, if this fails then go into bios and turn of caching and shadowing.
damn im too slow always ;D
got none attached :(
did you try to unplug the USB-devices one time?

otherwise...dunno :(
try to put of the USB devices in your BIOS
As satz said what is your first boot device in bios? I know you can change it to USB maybe have 1st 2nd or 3rd to all non usb??
I can't get into the bios :x Every time i press esc or f2 it just freezes at that message and i cant do anything.
:o, what connection is your keyboard? PS/2 or USB?
i've not got a keyboard connected to it, just use the keyboard thats on it. cheers for the help btw =)
Ahh ok :) cuz I normaly use an external Keyboard and monitor :P.

Only suggestion is visit their support forum :) they are experts :D.

Also why did this problem start?
trolling through they're forums at the mo.. No idea why it started, i didnt overclock or anything and didnt install any weird programs. :<
Wouldn't be any programs or that but definately OC could do this :), before doing any hardware changes join on the forum that has technical support, then ask them about your problem hopefully they will be helpful :), ABIT was with my old motherboard which had the same problem as yours, it was because of my mobo and USB, so I updated my mobo and it worked fine.

Hopefully it is only a small problem, I have my fingers crossed for you :P.

PM me or reply to here when they reply back to you.
um.. most laptops don't have ps/2 anymore do they?
reset bios?

open up the notebook on the back, you should find it somewhere.. (wont void warranty usually)
idd, reset bios maybe?
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