gg CB or smthing....

Great, i want to add 2 players to my allowed players list for CB OC, and i get the following question.

2. Did the player play in the corresponding cup in the Fall 2007 Season? Yes Player can only play 1 division lower than last season, go to step 3.

Awesome , both players played @ EC and some admin placed us in 2nd league while i gave us a 7 as grade. Now following the rules @ CB would mean my 6th and 7th player arent allowed to even play for us, cause they played EC and can only play Premier this season?

rly wtf is this rule :|

link to the awesome rules,
It's retarded. But dunno why you whine about your rating, 7 is second league, nothing strange.
HAHAHAHAHA, next time ill be sure to put in a 10 and say EC only
Dont act retarded . You have to rate yourself taking in consideration the other teams ratings. If you see that many teams rate themself as an 8, just put a 9 even if you dont think you are that skilled. You act like you never played CB before this season.
i quote myself :

+ back in the MAZZ days we found ourselves in Premier League when i gave us a 5....

Member For: 11 months and 6 days

stfu cancernoob :x ive been playing CB OC when you were still wearing diapers
<3 sent me teh dvd's!
only OC div1 or higher players can watch those, sorry!
hahahaha bastard :DDDDDDDDD
Well, check my CB account instead of my CF one.
Oh sorry, you are retarded when we talk about CB.
Admins did well, you just cant handle their system. Get lost in Div2.
CB account, i have one for like 10 yrs, when i played UT99.

wanna try again?
Was it my point ? You are seriously retarded.
you my friend have a split personality, make a point and then say it wasnt the point, awesome
Talk to doneX or another OC admin to try to make it happen.
Talk to Bartichello, he's supervisor and should be able to help you out. Afaik he's idling in :P
he is ladder supervisor
^^ DoneX and AndyF1 are supervisors
He's EC supervisor, not OC afaik :<
loekino + serious, hmm no.
what hope said or just sawp divison ;)
cb is same what punkbuster is - a piece of useless shit
Doesnt look like a bad rule to me :x
why not? :<
wouldnt be too fair to rage OC 6th division with retired EC players
well, they place the clans themselves, wouldnt they liek find out and stuff? + i gave us a 7 and they still put us in 2nd ....
maybe you should have added the EC superstars when they were still making the groups, not one day before the start of first matchweek?

and 7 belongs to 2nd division, especially if you have no wars played in CB
maybe we didnt find the right players yet till some days ago????

+ back in the MAZZ days we found ourselves in Premier League when i gave us a 5....
it's not CB's fault if your lineup wasnt complete when they made the groups. useless whine,
imo, 7 is Premier, 8 is EC quali, 9 EC playoff, 10 EC winner, this whole grade system is just fucked up. If they only wouldve even checked out the lineup that was on CB where we signed up with, then they shouldve known we werent 2nd.... + our 6th went 3 weeks to malaysia so we needed new players...
its not like CB only looks at ratings given by the clans themselves. they probably judged the roster which you had at the time. besides that, the prefer stable and proven clans, not teams that only just formed.
even the roster at that time still wasnt 2nd...
are you a part of this roster?
yes sir :< and now dont say what i think youre gonna say...
i could look right through that ;P nice try :D
well if 7 is Premier, 8 EC Quali etc then we got like 40+ ec clans.
kinda similar with jrp in 3o3 oc, we rated us 8 and got 2nd division though the lineup should be premier tbh. but well, we got no cb offis played yet n stuff, so in some way it's justified, even though it sux.
grade + have the lineup for it is something else then just a grade.
i know, check jrp lineup :p
come again? :)
agreed! with ensami
Last season Gunner played with Kojak in EC, and we couldnt use him for OC officials. All the people who drop out of EC would play in OC premier
thats when youre in the season already noob ;P they played last season in EC so are NOT allowed THIS season to play with us .... its different when the cup is already going, but this is even before it started...
ask donex to put you in a higher division. There's bound to be a clan which is dead b4 the season starts.
nice edit, im trying sir :<
Well its for protection, with that 2 EC players youre not 2nd league worthy anymore and it would be unfair for the teams you play against, like us :X
groups are unfair too cuz lot of teams in premier dont deserve this place to play in.
admins take teams bu their cb activity and look on 6on6 ladder it is becoming 6on6 Polish ladder soon...
your absolutly right,
whats wrong with it, if some friend of a lowskilled clan is playing EC and they wanna play with that friend in 5th divisio its kinda unfair :XD
Same situation with immoo , he plays OC with - Zero Empathy 1st Div OC and played with Cortana in EC game(s)

but hes allowed -.-
Quoteplayed with Cortana in EC game(s)

Afaik he only played ESL with cortana. Well, i'm pretty sure as I asked them a few days ago, when immoo replaced acozz for some official.
Well he was already in 2 CB clans (OC & EC) while playing for Cortana in EC and waiting for quali-game in OC! :D

p.s dunno about ESL shizle
He hasnt played any game so far on CB so there isnt any problem.
yep you are right , he played ESL

my mistake :) (thought it was EC match with Cortana)
OC premier is 1 division lower than EC -> nothing wrong
immoo never played with cortana in EC this season.
for some reason it seems to me like you hate immoo or smth xD
I just don't like people who say community and people are shit , dead game and cheaters , and still play it.
Doesnt sound like the immoo i know.
image: 3906immo

Now it does.
If you say so
well he's partly right tbh. seeing the amount of cheaters who are still allowed to play and - even worse - the amount of ppl who still play with them is ridiculous. I don't think he called the game dead tbh, but still it's often annoying having to look for a decent match for 20min and then you still have to play against the same guys quite often. He never said the game sux. If he still enjoys the game there's nothing wrong in still playing it, that doesn't mean you can't criticise the attitude of a large part of the community. that's just my opinon ofc!
Just don't like this kind of people, thats all.

So cheaters so what? Cheaters are in every game , if you don't like them , don't play with/versus them. Simple as.
he's not like that tbh
who doesn't hate him?
ahha lol.. i never read this one till the end :D ..dunzy is funny boy :D
yeh :D ....was checking comments of apnzor account.. and saw this funny reply of duNzy :)))
Hi deuger busted cheater who is still playing CB and saying "OMFG I HACKED SO GIVE ME ANOTEHR CHANCE LOL I MEAN I DONT HACK ANYMORE".

You are a cuntface faggot and a cheater.
Old quote , but still goooood.

...Once a cheater , always a cheater...

I'm on fire /o\
that rule makes perfect sense to me, nothing wrong with it
it kinda is, cause if i would have added them 2 days earlier or smthing, they would be allowed...
then CB needs to fix the way they are applying rules, but the rule is still good
maybe, its still retarded imo...
Just fill in that they didnt play in a clan previous season. According to that rule me & xfrd are also not allowed to play in 2nd division, while its xfrd's & mine's funclan. Rule doesnt make any sense :).
you were already in when the groups werent made yet, thats the difference. One player is also allowed while it is same story as the 2 i tried to add, but he was already in before the groups were made....
No it means you were so totally retarded to try a hack , and you will try it again (hense you did it at the first time).
cheater. case closed.
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