clanbase admins

I think nowadays the refs for an EC match arent doing anything useful at all anymore :S they jsut get a 'front row seat' for a top ET match but there are hardly any reports anymore (ofc there are exceptions) and its not as if the teams cant get to a server decision by themselves or cant pause themselves...

back in the day (:-d) people actually used to do something as an cd admin but now they just connect to the server and have a big mouth etc not doing anything useful

ridiculous imo!

only admins who write a decent report from now on?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[X] i dont give a shit fuck off
[X] yes
yupp.. that's why I atleast joined to admin a few games this season, too bad I don't have that much time tho as we're usually praccing on those times when the games are being played
Quote(ofc there are exceptions)

that includes you :p but i think u already figured so

ul tonight btw :D fuck them up in playoffs
hell yeah! go rbnt

rbnt for EC admin!
Quote Matias on 10/04/08, 23:30:03 PM | Reply


rbnt for EC admin!

humping highskilled legs <3
impossible since rbnt 'don't like' doneX :D
been there done that :P and lab is right =PP

maybe if tosspot'd have me i cud be admin for the crossfire competition coming up if that requires admins .. but i dont usually have a lot of time which is why i sold my pc :P
4th option : go back on rtcw !
you're using 2 accounts stop confusing me
why would i be confusing you? :S
i dunno why i said you were confusing me but it seems that you got your birthday wrong in one of your accounts

that could count as confusing!
haha i was born in 1987 actually =)
They gave us a yellow card for zerender using some different nick than on CB!
Indeed, the point only was that they do something x)
Most of the admins just don't give a fuck and are demotivated as hell, cause the teams (of course there are some exceptions) are impolite and don't appreciate their efford, even if it's just 'specing' a game. I mean it's their freetime, I can understand that they're not in the mood to make superb matchreports, because most of the people just don't care...

I'm not defending CB, I guess everyone knows how retarded they really are (especially donex, cause of his weird behaviour and decisions), but I'm speaking about the situation in general, the community is just not thankful enough if somebody invests his own freetime for a gratis game...
koe is a good admin :(
wot? its true lets seee if mAus puts a comment, thousands of fanboys who dont have their own oppinion will just follow mAuS to somehow be connected with a highskiller
Almost as bad as paying for a hack to hang with the high skillorz in a free game on teh interwebs.
or having to spend less time to get good as in wasting uncountable hours by spending 75 euros. And ive kept playing with the same ppl..
"fanboy" stfu hacker, nC etb0tter.

I just agree with matias, its not about "fanboying"
omg can i have your autograph pls, i'm your biggest fan
yes,toddler,you may !
aren't u the 12 year old here @x
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