Need German journals...
13 Apr 2008, 11:26
..with massive flamewars. Especially journals containing snoop will be relevant to my interests.
The reason why I need those is because I've got a german exam and would like to warm up. :D
The reason why I need those is because I've got a german exam and would like to warm up. :D
ps. go read that book, fucking nerd :----D
Anonymous 04/12/2008 16:00 post #254380 (edit) (report)
It really isn't funny.My dog died that way
soviel Zeit muss sein.
bei ihnen?wo spielste grad?
check profile :)
bin ma chemie lernen...-.-
hallo frau französin. :->
you're dead meat if you use the word "Opfer" - only retards use that, u dont want to be a retard, do you? no, you do not.
if somebody offends you, the first thing to say is "Halt die Fresse du behindertes Stück Scheiße"
this will make your opponent go like "WTF"
while hes still shocked of your fast reaction to his flames, you could set another up, like embarassing his mother ( even if you never met her before, thats really funny! ).
words to remember: "Hurensohn" "Hundesohn" "Sohn einer blutpissenden Hafenhure" or all the funny "Deine Mutter ist..."-jokes ( Ofcourse only the really funny jokes. )
most germans ( ofcourse i'm not ) are insulting others with words like "Jude" despite the fact that we've lost the second Worldwar.
in some regions it's quite popular to make jokes about them like
"Je größer der Jude, desto wärmer die Bude"
i don't think thats funny, but some might. better watch out who you're going to tell that joke!
to quote chaoz: "guter flame beeinhaltet einen touch von rassismus, fäkalworten und sarkasmus"
if you combine these things in the right way, there's no way you can lose a serious internet flame war against any other german ( not even in ventrilo )
note: sarcasm is a cool thing.
opfer = alkleiche
also überhaupt nicht o/
just arschloch or smth like that
schwachstecker(pervert mentioned^^)
rucksackdeutsche (ppl from saarland)
steckefranzose (dito)
scheiß ossi/wessi
Ey Altah du scheiß Opfer du kleiner dreckiger Spast .... (gangsta-german)
Guten Morgen geliebte Community, ich möchte nur anmerken dass hier nur gespammt wird. (snop-german)
Ich will zoggen :XD (faker-german)
any further writerstyles of german ppl?