uGaming Need You!

image: ugaming2bb4

Hello ,

Belgium Underground Gaming are looking for sponsors,
but we need a support for:

- hardware gaming or matérial
- TeamSpeak
- Server (css, cs1.6, cod4)
- Bnc
- Website design (multigaming)
- Players for complete the line up (cs 1.6, wow, wsw, ...)
- Newser (ET, cod4)

We are a nice team with experienced players and nice comment. (soz for english)

image: et -[/img] Underground Gaming]

» Squad Official (Opencup Second League "Groupe H") :

¤ image: be CriTiK (c)
¤ image: be Mika
¤ image: be nuNca
¤ image: be fast
¤ image: ch FuS!oN
¤ image: ch sCred

» Back-Up:

¤ image: fr EmoreJ!
¤ image: fr Tsu
¤ image: fr kyp
¤ image: be Ganon

» 2nd Squad (Opencup Fifth League "Groupe B") :

¤ image: fr NetiK
¤ image: fr VikOu
¤ image: fr Sunbata
¤ image: fr nauZ
¤ image: be Gifted
¤ image: be Buzzer

image: cod4 -[/img] Underground Gaming]

» Squad Official (High Skilled) :

¤ image: fr nEtik (c)
¤ image: be AcidGeo (c)
¤ image: be Yakumo
¤ image: be Nitrox
¤ image: be Morales

» Back-Up:

¤ image: be CriTiK

image: wsw -[/img] Underground Gaming]

» Squad Official :

¤ image: be Ganon (c)
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...

» Back-Up:

¤ image: be CriTiK

image: hl -[/img] Underground Gaming]

» Squad Official :

¤ image: be Bouza (c)
¤ image: be Dadounet
¤ image: fr Kéké
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...

» Back-Up:

¤ image: fr ...

image: wow -[/img] Underground Gaming]

» Squad Official :

¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: fr ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...
¤ image: be ...

» Back-Up:

¤ image: fr ...

Contact :

Crossfire: Pm me
mIRC: /q uGaming`CriTiK (or bnc: uGoff`CriTiK)
X-Fire: critikspecifik
Email: [email protected]
Msn: [email protected]
gl with that!
gl, youre gonna need it
just so you know, kmt is a busted cheater, but having one cheater per team is ok
agree. have to know who's behind the wall!
Where do u see kMt?
He was in main lineup of Underground Gaming ET Squad Official which plays in Opencup Second League "Groupe H" before it was edited out, probably because of negative response from this hatefull community.
a team with kMt will never go far so get a life is easier
Gifted is an obvious cheater + a complete retard.
shame :S
kaze?? :< he was so funny :D gl guys
For information, critik sucks every well known players to comes as back up in his team. After he can writes a big list of players.

Critik is a poor nolifer, please help him to come back to real life.. His life is internet.
tu ferais mieux d'apprendre l'anglais sale abruti, tes phrases sont incompréhensibles .
Je confirme que tes phrases sont incompréhensible, tu fais pitier critik.
I've leave *your* fun-team because I don't like to be in a team with 40 players but only 4 for an official game. We have to support your lowskill and unbrainlevel because you want to play every games on gamestv.

For me you are a little dog who is doing what we want but in a time you rebel yourself to show your internet power. But that fail.

When he doesn't like someone he uses icecold to freeze his msn account and add he will does other things with his clanbase account (we have logs and proofs of that).

Critik is a complete retard without any life without internet.

Help him please.

Lèche cul va
image: 8a4ccce95bc9b7cd6ccf754a015da
<uGaming`CriTiK> KaZe__ tu peux faire leader ingame stp ?
<uGaming`CriTiK> KaZe__ t'es là ?
<uGaming`CriTiK> ooh ?

[ pendant les ET allstar events ]

np critik , on te pardonne again !
j'ai du faire des traductions a ta place. Mais pleaaaaaaase
par contre tu peux poster tout seul pour passer pour un con
Raconte ce qui t'arranges et grandi un peu randomisé.
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