drug pix

i need good quality cocaine or xtc pictures with black or white background.
Didn't find much usefull material with google... pls help!
online shop coming up?
we dont support drug dealers
speak for u not 4 others!
btw: i'm not a dealer! just love drugz and want to set up a myspacepage!!!
I want to belive =(
sold out, soz
thats fucking much cocaine...
yea look how dirty it looks :E
i dont know how good cocaine looks like.. was just impressed by the amount
I mean the packaging...look how scanky it looks, its rly looks like it floated its way down a sewer and hit a few million yanks shit on the way..
better it had been dumped while floating :D
Guess how many intestines it passed to get into the U.S.
lol u wanna compare it with yours?
drugs are bad
Drugs are for mugs
Arent you a bit old to still love/get a buzz from drugs?They get abit boring after a year or two of abuse
oh yeah i forgot that drugs are made 4 ppl under 18!
and omg i'm not an addict just need pics to make a page!!!
I know,but ppl usually experience with drugs 16-20 ish and then stop.Trust me they will rot your brain!
Although E are the most amazing drug ever
one point is if you abuse drugs takin them regular every weekend, becoming addicted and destroy yourself becuz of your bad self-control.
Another point is if you take drugz only on special events and know your limits! I'm happy that i had the possibility to try them out and know how different feelings are! And i'm just laughing at ppl who misjudge opportunity-consumers just becouse they fear drugs cuz of their bad knowledge about it. And i hate standart statements like: Drugs (or also alcohol) are for weak personalities cuz those sayings come mostly from ppl which don't know a shit about it!
well spoken! Those standard statements always include: Junkies started with Marhiuana...not á la Cigarettes & Alcohol r the ones 95% of all humans try before they r rly grown-up...just wanted to add that epic failed opinion against which i fight for years. In germany they tell u in school: Heroin is as bad as Marhiuana!
lol ..my friend takes like 8 in one night at a big party and basically looks like hes having MAJOR orgasms every 2 seconds ;D
wait till saturday ill make some pix on my black glass table :D
i smell a bust in moosach ;)
:D police is scared
xD drahh di net um, der bizkid der geht um ;)
the magic bike ride quality shit :P

Haha ive seen that before..
(ger) keine macht den drogen.
(ger) keiner lacht ohne Hoden
(ger) keine macht den doofen
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