Neighbour regulations

Things are like this, im living in a row house so gardens are pretty close to eachother and as im playing basketbal on regular basis in my garden it happens from time to time my ball falls into my neighbours garden. My neighbours are random retards that buy random builds

random example
image: beeld%2021

So here comes my question, what if my ball falls onto this shit build and it broke down, will I have to pay it or not..

Regulations are different from country to country I guess so some update from someone that living in belgium might be most valuable for my case then ;D
your house hold insurance should pay this.

and ya ofc its your fault if you throw a ball onto this.
Obviously you have to pay mister
wtf is that made out of?? looks like slime and poo
told ya it was random ;D
:D well tbh just tell ur neighbours that ur not gonna intend to hit their ''statues''. just say ur gonna be playing there and the ball might fall into their garden. if theyre not stupid they will move the ''statues''
what the fuck is this *_*
your insurance will pay for it
Use Basket Ball bot to make sure you don't miss.
random builds <3
your insurance will pay for it
pretty strange that you ask such a question!! ofc you (your insurance) have to pay the building/artwork!
lulz :D
hoe kunde nu perongeluk den bal in u buren hun tuin gooien :p as ge der goe mee overeenkomt dan zulle ze zegge da et niks is ma et toch erg vinden en zelf ne nieuwe kope :p as et geen goeie vrienden zijn dan dunno ;)
Well legally I guess you would have to pay. On the other hand, I would be very careful as it looks like they practice some sort of witchcraft or voodoo shit :/
dude just .avi or it never happend
simple solution, learn2shoot and get the ball in the hoop and not over the fence!
.avi or it never happend
the question is:

did u want to destroy the thingy or not?

imo u should get money for destroying such an ugly shit xD
Germany germany
insurance would pay
ask someone who studies law or insurance :D

ask stormG
basketball is for negros , play hockey or smthn
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