Clanbase EC

What's the use of participating if you don't even play official games?

KKK Forfeit
TCM Forfeit
Fatgames Forfeit ....

Very nice guys ,...
Welcome to ET. (in other words: it's dead)
et is dead
yez 3 team forfeit et is _DEAD_
It's the whole 6on6 scene. There is no need to play 6on6 in any league anymore, especially on CB so many matches get forfeited cause teams fold, or the admins are forcing a FUCKED UP matchdate.
there are always 53858385 forfeits in the groupstage, at least in OC
It's playoffs
see frozzs comment 8)
its dead
those teams should better fuck off, let me or others play EC if they don't want
Oh god I thought it would never come to this, but.. I agree with you!
the end of the world is nigh
maybe next season we will see low+ teams at ec =)
maybe they all want to rule the EC from the loserbracket :DDD
Stop ! My post about FPS is going down :<
Maybe because competition ET is dead?
why did you even play EC then, you just take some1 his spot who actually wants to play EC
agree,thats bs
well another team would've lost we've just forfeited the end result is exactly the same
So? whats that for bs reason.. Eurocup is about a competition where clans PLAY vs eachother not about some forfeit shit
don't be so rude to him, he's mystic!?
don't be so rude to him, he's HAJAA!?

liek karatekid.
I consider ET to be dead when lowskilled clans are playing EC, not when the public doesn't get to see their idols play.
statement is somehow arrogant.. may i ask how old you are?
click my profile, in reference to asking my age you're making a useless point a 19 year old who's played competitive ET can obviously have some sort of valid opinion on the state of the game.

Rather than an enlightened 18 year old over whether God exists or not based on what he heard in a philosophy class.
Wether you think your opinion is valid or not it still is arrogant since you see others as lower level players and they don't deserve to play against others. So your reply there was just useless.
Second: I write what I learned in school isn't that actually the thing behind going to school? To learn stuff, because a human being isn't born with all the facts it learns till it dies?
What's wrong with my opinion that lower skilled players should play in lower skilled cups so they meet competition equal to what they're capable of? that's like saying let's have division 3 teams in the champions league.
Basically... NOT. In the champions league it's all about the money. In EC in Enemy Territory it's basically about the fun, the competition and maybe the fame. By being an arrogant twat and taking one spot which could be used by a playing-team, you just screw the whole idea up. Also if you are refering to football you can see that everybody may win against anybody ( St.Petersburg vs FC Bayern btw :o ). So the conclusion is:
Active teams got a chance to win even if it may be just a very small one, whilst an inactive team that forfeits just loses to 100%
you honestly think the CL is about money only? it's a large part of it but more than anything is the reputation, achievement and competition. Eurocup is the same it's nothing at all to do with fun if I wanted fun i'd play a 3on3 or something else.

Your example is really bad no open cup team would've beaten FF apart from I guess authentic and they failed to qualify having lost to FF.

We could play tonights game 5v6 and yes there's a chance we could win but what's the point?

QuoteBy being an arrogant twat and taking one spot which could be used by a playing-team, you just screw the whole idea up.

I've not been arrogant at all i'm just telling it how it is, the idea of EC has long since been dead and about what bunch of skilled players thrown together at the last moment can win it. We've earned our place in the play offs something i'm pretty sure most teams wouldn't have managed. (See Xpaz's post before you consider whining more about me).
There is teams playing in OC prem that should play EC, so.
They should've qualified then if they deserved to be in EC.
Your BRAINS is fantastic.
Hope your 2weeksNextEcteam wont get a spot at next ec. Sick actions.
you've got a team who deserves to be in EC?
Im not talking about me, but about you. I dont even play et actively / competitively anymore because of university & practical work soo :P
So basically all the teams formed 2 weeks before EC shouldn't participate? there'd be very few open cup division 1 teams who'd be able to make it to the play offs and most of those were made 2 weeks before. If teams made 2 weeks before didn't play there wouldn't be an EC.
Better dont have ec that have a ec with teams going into the 1/4 final without play a match :\
I agree with you here.
your arguments are so shit
LoL, you realy are retarded.
ROFL, may i be the first one to overhand you the most FUCKING RETARDED PERSON AWARD, np
Gratz for being the most retarded ppl on the thread.
thats bs mate
agree, that's so ego!
EC is supposed to be about the most skilled teams participating. Most of the teams don't practice or practice so infrequently they play like a mix.

Personally i'd rather forfeit than play as a mix and the fact i'm here posting this comment right now shows i'm not the one who can't play I in fact do want to play however players have other priorities (rightly so) and with tight schedules, FF refusing to play monday/tuesday due to wrobel's exams we're forced to this date and so are unable to play simple as.
Why did you even signed up to play in EC if you dont want to play with a mix. you guys are a mix?
Simple as I enjoy competition and playing with like minded skilled players is the only fun left in this game. The fact we've made it through the group stages unlike many other teams means we're less a mix than they are. What teams are in EC right now who have actually been stable and active for a long time?
Mztik I want to make love to you.
Its not about the other teams, im talking to you now, because you said a stupid reason to forfeit, that is what we are talking about now.
So like, david and jauhis have other priorities, that is mztiks fault how exactly?
never said it is his fault, he was just the 1 replying to me..
it could have been you or some1 else aswell
Almost every team is a mix in EC, which means that they're not playing with the same stable 6 players for a good amount of time. The fact i've posted here stating the facts your angry against kirwa, which doesn't make sense.
im not mad, i just think its bullshit to play in EC playoffs and forfeit a game thats all
well then every famous team could have been considered a mix too, such as one4one that you seem to be so proud of, when it had just been created, how would you have called it ? A SERIOUS CLANZ lol
noway you knew if it'd be a 2weeks mix clan or a stable one
We didn't enter EC having been around for 2 weeks with 141 we'd been playing for months before hand practicing daily and entering various cups I think that shows a team is active and participating.

When parodia made it to the finals of EC they reformed shortly before the start and had to play a qualifier. Were they a mix? no there was team chemistry going back to RTCW and the fact they participated and practiced showed they were a real team.
i wasnt talking about entering EC there, i was talking about the day a clan is created .. but nevermind i think we understood each other! ;p

and about parodia, it was half a mix, xpaz jauhis and mystic had played rtcw together, i give you that but noway drc jafo saintt had played it (competitively at least), so i doubt they knew each other very well the day parodia was created

would they be a mix? only time would tell
nope they'd all actually played together previously the only player who hadn't was raveneye (the least important teamplay wise position)
oh ye pardon me, i just dont know shit about the et scene but when you're saying they'd played together, was it on et or rtcw ?!
Enemy territory i've seen various stats of parodia playing the entire line up before they played EC
Stop saying "skill" so much, you are ridiculous.
Are you just jealous because you failed to qualify from your group in arguably the weakest EC yet?
LoL, cu @ cdc4. :-)
That basically means you are :D.
Nice face, LOLWNED :-DDD
Me? Yeah I agree actually :)
Don't reply when you got LOLWNED plxz.
I missed getting "LOLWNED", wanna clarify?
It doesn't matter if and parodia sign up for EC, if they don't play their skill comes out to nothing. It would be better to have OC premier teams actually play, because they can actually put up a fight instead of instant lose through forfeit. Don't create this farce where you sign up, play to reach the playoffs and then resign your matches. What's the point of participating in the tournament then? You don't have to play EC to have fun...
We aren't forfeiting on purpose you've jumped the gun. We have no other choice.
Ok, I understand.
Impact doesnt prac and there's no other team which comes close to their level atm. Dunno if it would help stability, but they should remove the 24h to change EC clan rule. Its not the reason for all these dropouts but Fatgames only became inactive after they bought their players.

The main reason atm is the lack of decent competition. Theres no point to play vs impact in offis if you can never play a prac vs them or a team at their level. Not saying there arent any other really good teams out there (like mpg) but they jsut aint on the same level as Impact which is an offi-only team.
i remember that from vent
Please, mPG will easily crush Impact. :)
mpg is the second best team atm. They just dont have the wing - tox - night type of players. imho, mpg has great aim, good positioning, a good carebear aka objwhore, etc ... but they lack the fop/pf/rifle annoyer that impact has with toxic and night. Their other palyers are all on level with the rest mpg though they play a tad smarter and aim a tad worse.

If mpg wins its cause they actually pracced whiled impact only plays offis.
I seriously think that, all things considered, mPG would beat Impact quite respectably. It probably has something to do with the way they steamrolled TCM, which left an impression on me... We'll see soon enough, though probably with some upset in between that sees either mPG or Impact knocked out beforehand. :)
Why the hell do you play it then?

One of the lamest comments ive seen in ages.
Pfft i was expecting to see good games tonight.
lol @ TCM vs Fatgames date.
Shouldn't you be happy?
why they al forfeith'ed ? i can think of kkk lack of motivation but the rest..
i laik toaly agree
it's pretty impossible to get enough players if m1lk is in the hospital and bull is at his father's place.
wgy is he at hospital? :<
he had an accident with his bicycle yesterday
And what a terrible sight it was.. :(
Bicycle? ahah :D Hope he gets better soon :\
it's not very funny.. he's in a wheelchair right now
happend same thing like azzor?
the azzor thing was fake...its possible that they are making up a funny story again.
aha , thnx 4 teh info
but just for now i hope :<
plastic surgery?
=/, something serious?
of course not
lol :D, i'd blame Jero for Kirwa's inactivity, he has no time for anything but his pip studies ! But it'll make us rich soon enough :LOS
blame EC
et is dead get over it
blame cb
high skill low attitude
you started this shit nigga
Last EC for ET.
we want to play but not today so we lose forfeit.
lets play poker
Very nice guys ,...

Fatgames Forfeit ....
TCM Forfeit
KKK Forfeit

What's the use of participating if you don't even play official games?
fatgames playing for money :D
Last 2-3 seasons EC play offs didnt start with 3 forfeits.
Well let me just tell u guys, I wanted to play but if u have these super tight admins with their rules there will be forfeits, unless u have 7 nerds standing by all the time. I couldn't make it untill 22.30 cet today but i guess it wasn't good enough for these guys nor was monday but yea w/e..
Plus dAv1d is working all sundays = makes it quite hard to play, and because of mayday celebration pretty much every finn was unavailable for the whole week.
Wrobel having exams the following week on monday/tuesday with FF insisting to play with their leader meant the game could not be played.
so cant you play at your own date which you set with FF and just send the score to some admin? I dunno, but matches @ EC should BE played and everything should BE done to play a game instead of forfeits, its not the 5th league where clans want to win every possible way :X blame admins then, anyway GL and I hope you will play LB match
EC is really strict with it's match weeks in the play off to get a date outside of the match week is almost impossible even if bartichello who's on our side is trying to help the admins above him are rules and nothing else.
The main problem is that Barti doesn't have the reckless disregard for the rules that I had (coupled with the inactivity this season being even worse than normal) :D

In that way you could say it's my fault - I let the teams get away with way too much over the last couple of years.
I thought ET was about fun an playing the game we like. who plays ET for the munniez anyways?
we had the same probs... if they would just move this matchweek to next week it would be no problem imo
Well, some of the forfeits were quite expected, especially for KKK, but we have to admit, ET as a competition game is dead...nowadays, you can't even find a decent 6on6 cant even get 3on3 pracc, only random cheaters are playing it
immo's style @ EC!!!
A nice example: We, pigSkin where supposed to play against some team in the last 3on3 OC. The opponent didn't have enought players that evening when when we should have played the match. (We had 3 players ready to rock.) The match was wildcarded by the opponent and we said to the opponent that don't reschedule the match to the day when we can not play, (we gave them a date when we would have not been able to play). Then they just ignored us, mostly cos they where certain that they would have players avi to that day when we couldn't play. After this, some adming from CB said that we can't use a wildcard => we lost and we couldn't contineu OC anymore.
Yah, and the gay thing in this is that we would have won the match with a percentage of 90%, imho.
well those ppl are killing et, if u forget the fun in a game and just go for succes and dont let other ppl have fun (cheaters) and still some ppl dont understand that
Just seems like bad luck to me. :(
Thats why people never ask for ur opinion !
You finally have a chance to succeed in ET, GOGOGO
and tomorrow ovr forfeit xD
Blame the rules!
Replace the teams that forfeited and won't play the loser bracket game with the 3rd in their group.
Why did FatGames forfeit?
cant be that hard to keep a date free if u know it way before the actual date. I can understand forfeits due to circumstances, but why dont ppl think of that when they shedule the day?
this was to be expected from those teams.
something about the current state of ET tells the fact that we played 1 game in 3on3 OC, lost it 4-0 and still qualified to playoffs :D

but I guess it's all about summer coming n stuff

Lue toi mun kommentti, oltii voitettu ja pelattu 1 tasuri eikä yhtää häviöö, sit tulee tollanen, eikä päästä group stagesta jatkoo :D
miten vitussa pelaatte OC:ssa tasurin?
Now your team forfeited...
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