serious chest pain

I have this serious pain in my chest... hurts more when I try to breathe/move, but sometimes can just be a sudden jolt of extra pain from nothing too... hurts even when not doing anything though, like background pain...

webmd is telling me to "seek immediate medical attention" but I don't trust it... what the fuck do I do

when I breathe... it's like... i have to stop half way through because of the pain

go to the fucking doc or hospital.

asking crossfire for medical help ROFL
i thought we all are hyperintelligent.... :<
omg doctors time, or maybe cut down on the bongs! :P
Well, go make some HOT water shower, if it's cold hurt, else I don't know what it could be.
you should seek immediate medical attention

i doubt crossfire have doctors register here, so you should seek immediate medical attention !!!
how's israelian internet?
the problam is prolly at my computer, spyware or settings etc...
the provider check the trace to cybergames servers and i should have stable 100 ping xD
but i have 600 inside the server like wtf =(

will sort this thing tommorow
Seek medical attention.
Go to the doctor, it's serious business IMO! :|
i lold

i once had something simular and i pulled a muscle next to my lungs or smthing, couldnt even turn my head.
lol the last thing crossfire need is this:
today on skynews: kid died cuz he seek medical advice in a gaming forum.
he tried to cut his penis through his anus with a pen !
shocking news
Lay of the crack

No seriously,dont check the web for solutions-It will make you paranoid.

Go to the doctor if your worried
I get chest pains all the time
so true about the paranoid thing , never gonna search the internet for medical info again!
eat some cheesburgers + smoke some weed, should help , gl!
it's an alien inside your chest trying to get out. now gtfo to a doctor if youre worried
i had something similar aswell
and if you push out the breast it also hurts quite much
at least it was like that for me
but after like a half hour or a hour it was gone, when i just fully pushed out my breast...
must have had something to do with sitting :/
I have some chest pain when breathing every now and then - propably not as strong as yours but my mom said that it's because some valves in lungs are in wrong position and it's nothing to be worried about and it always goes away in a while
dont listen to the shit these sites say there aload of bollocks your young i ashume you dont smoke fuck all to worry about tbh you've probeblyjust tweaked a muscle in your chest just take some ibuprofen and take it easy or its (costochondritis) which i have at the mo look it up nothing to worry about and very common prolly half the ppl who get chest pains from 15 to 25 have it but to be safe always go to ur doctors
I sometimes have that too. Then I lie on my couch and have to drink a lot. After some time it's okay again =)
confess and fast!!!
The Internet - hotbed for hypochondriacs since 1993
Well... I'm really sorry to tell you, Meez, but... uhm... well... you're going to die.
go to the doctor
You taking 'roids? :D
at least i can tell u where it comes from -> too much PC!
I had that too after falling down a stair when I was pretty plastered. I didn't go to see the doc, instead I was laying at home whining about how much it aches. Lasted several weeks actually and I partially still suffer from it. Enjoy your Aids.
have you recently had a cold or have been doing epic coughs/sneezes?

I had some evil cold in '05 which meant I was coughing all the time and after like 2-3 weeks of it I basically couldn't take deep breathes at all without getting major pain to my chest and if I tried to take a breathe that lasted longer than 1-2 seconds I'd just start coughing as I could take it in.

turned out all the coughing had enflamed my lungs and so when I tried to breathe in my lungs were rubbing off my rib cage and caused the knee jerk reaction to breathe out

had to take pills for like a week and the problem went away, I've only had it briefly since then too
After seeing the lack of replies from meez in this topic i conclude this cry for help came too late. He must be dead now RIP!
not funny since he's seriously dead
not funny, humour makes me laugh = pain
I thought i was being rather witty :<
But i had the same, even tho it was after being hit in the chest by some guy :o)
lol evil thoughts i like it :p
ask on xfire
had same after autumn running ;P u need to get a rest in warm , 2-3 days and pain is gone ... should be anyway ;)
its normal afaik. A lot of people have it. I have it since I was 12.. AND STILL ALIVE & KICKIN'

so no worries mate.
rofl, i've got the same problem some time ago. Feeling is awful, i was almost breathing normally with a weird pains. Didn't visit any doctor at that time, just went to sleep few hours. Period was around 12-15h can't remember. Blame tobacco and unhealthy self-made filters :/

edit: go to the doc asap imo, u never know what is going wrong
Be a man. Walk it off.
ergonomic sucks
go to the doctor asap
i had some sort of muscle between my ribs that was f00ked, sounds like the same thing
well...if u r 16 years old ur problems should be in ur ridge, thats most common cause of "precordial pain" in young ppl...u should visit ur doctor to check it out with RTG (X-Ray) of ur chest..good luck
ur so sexy when u talk all medical bestik <3
take a rennie
Had the same when i had a long infection & 40 degrees of fever
Seek medical attention.
doesnt have to be something bad lol, bunch of dramaqueens, could just be rib muscles that are abit stiff
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