New maps to ET?
23 May 2008, 17:02
Hello CF!
New maps are always odd and strange, but they bring something new to playing. That's why it would be great to discuss about maps out there that have potential to become competition maps. Old maps like supply and b4 are too overplayed and it's hard to get anything new out of them. Bremen and karsiah were nice and fresh new maps but now they are getting old.
So when is the time to take new maps to ET? This season in CB is soon over and summer is coming. Why not to take new maps to summer cups? What maps have you played recently that deservers to be in mappool?
Another nolife friday for me =) Discuss about new maps! :]
<3 Kendis
EDIT: Why not to make a cup with completely new maps? after signing up maps will be announced and teams get time to practise new maps. After cup best maps could be voted and make new offimaps :)
Sry if I bore you with my journals
New maps are always odd and strange, but they bring something new to playing. That's why it would be great to discuss about maps out there that have potential to become competition maps. Old maps like supply and b4 are too overplayed and it's hard to get anything new out of them. Bremen and karsiah were nice and fresh new maps but now they are getting old.
So when is the time to take new maps to ET? This season in CB is soon over and summer is coming. Why not to take new maps to summer cups? What maps have you played recently that deservers to be in mappool?
Another nolife friday for me =) Discuss about new maps! :]
<3 Kendis
EDIT: Why not to make a cup with completely new maps? after signing up maps will be announced and teams get time to practise new maps. After cup best maps could be voted and make new offimaps :)
Sry if I bore you with my journals
me 7/10 i liked crevasse much more
Special delivery seems nice, but I haven't played the new version in a war yet. I would like to see some maps getting revived and slightly changed, like oasis and reactor. Imo map-makers should focus on a simple map with several stages.
Radar is the best map I've played, no doubt about it. Someone could fix the maingate clitch and it would be perfect.
cathedral, dubrovnik, oasis, battery, crevasse, karsiah, Special Delivery, reactor
and many more which ar good for a pub