ubermix vs 141

broken finger skill

Quote1 uMix - Ryougi Shiki YOUR FACE

Quote27 zZz.w3st :> can we rup so i can decide wot bird i wanna ring to have sex with tonight
28 zZz.w3st :> cheers
31 uMix - Ryougi Shiki as long as you stay away from my bitch
37 uMix - Ryougi Shiki shes one mighty fine youngster
38 uMix - Ryougi Shiki sucking like that at the age of 9
honk honk

could you be anymore of a fucking wannabe, i wouldn't be surprised if you used the :XD smiley too.

You hurt my feelings
she's really hot as a terminator :O
and in firefly
image: summer-glau-sarah-connor-chronicles-3
ok egoobost very nice
Now that is seriously disturbing x_x
Delete spam journals pl0x.
100 things we learned from indy 4


you guys are on crack
tard factor 9/10
you guys r in need of some cock
this thread needs some shintaro motherfucking kago.
this journal is too serious for crossfire, expect banhammer soon
image: image
I nominate myself for admin. >:)
attention whore
I don't get it, is this journal some kind of display how retarded can people be?

2 morons found their soulmates in each other?

is parenthood dead?
back to 4chan please
Crossfire is 4chan's vacation house.
dont quite understand what this is all about =[]
It's about logs I reckon ^_^ Made me have a little dent on my right cheek :- , ) Honk honk xD
Useless Journal =/
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