schnee #1

good morning dear cf community.
well i stood up, wanted to take a shower and i have not much and no warm water :/
so i called my boss that me will arrive laterz at work, so ow im sitting here, waiting for my water, drinking tea and listening some music to stay or become again calm :p

so i hope u all had a better start!

btw: plans for summer vacation? booked allrdy?
me will drive to denmark, we rent a house there for ~10 persons. sauna, sunbed, jacuzzi, swimmingpool and i hope a lot of fun :D

shoutout to pumu, tobiiii, m!das, nooor and parziiii <3
and allll the others me know and love :DD

random song:
Sitting naked? :o
my boss was asking same...! :o
oh yes sir, meee forgot :DDD
hey squalliiii!! <3 all fine ?!
Nice forgetting me :'(

Well, school is over, got summerjob and life is smiling and shit :D
Wtf? Your boss asks over the phone if you're naked? lol :DD
shes a woman too so its not that bad as it sounded :p
i have an exam at 9.15 :<
thee without water?
editet it, no warm water and just a lil is coming out. my appartement is the highest here so i dunno, not enough pressure to come till my app. :/
Hello Schnee,

Quote~10 persons. sauna, sunbed, jacuzzi, swimmingpool
sounds more like a swinger club than a vacation tbh, but hey... Do what you like =X

I will go on vacation first 2 weeks of september, when it's my 30th birthday. Then I won't have to make a big party with teh family xD

My gf and I haven't decided yet exactly where to go... At first we wanted to drive to south of france since I hate flying and decided not to fly anymore after we were in dom. republic last year (~11 hour flight, turbulences ~10 hours). But maybe we book something in portugal or Teneriffa.
gL getting to Tenerife without flying ;D
I'm a good swimmer tbh ;P
image: sauna

U have a nice taste cuz sauna with girls owns ! :)
Ye but going to sauna with towels is fucking lame and pointless :----D
good morning :D

plans for today: shopping, work out, short trip to school, candidature appointment, coffee, coffee, coffee <3

plans for the summer: hopefully goin' to berlin <33333 gosh, i'm so excited. little suburb-girl in big berlin drinkin' like a fish :D mwah.

hv a great day & greetz to lovely schnee <33
gm, going to fucking dentist noooo :P have a nice day ;)
uuffffzz 10 km too much for me :D
hoi sweetie!!!

i woke up and had a shower with a lot of hot water!! now i have to work but i am not in the mood and hope i can go home soon!! (just a fkn dream) well i am still pretty much wasted from the weekend and have to prepare for a math test which i will write tomorow!!

<3 and stuff!! bibuy!

just had a cacao and 2 cigs, sitting in my office now - working all day -_-
oh and plz, get the water thingie working until i come and visit u =]

plans for the summer: some short town-trips all over europe and a visit in qingdao/china for 2 weeks - but not for fun - u know ^^

but my masterplan is beeing cheerful with everything i do! have a nice day everyone i know <3

edit: i got a 3 (mark) in psychology exam on saturday, which i passed well after going out all night long until 7am in the morning - exam started at 11am :D weeeeeeee
can i has a kakao aswell?
€ 0.98 at every Ströck in Vienna :)
tooooo far away to get only a kakao!!!

at least i thought yours were selfmade!! :D
LoL self bought, nothing more =]
Woke up at 7am on a holiday, no idea why, bodyclock or something.

Today I shall jog to the gym, go to the gym, jog back from the gym, relax a little, make some lunch, do some studying then I will be taking gf out somewhere!

This summer going to Cuba, see Fidel and co., see how they're all doing, also working more to get some mmore cash, spend time with friends/gf/family, s'pretty good =]

Also Horek will be coming to stay lolz!
My holiday just started an hour ago!

How are you doing m8? :--) Do you have ET installed for some crazy mixeds? I'm missing those ghettoblasta times with your mg42 skillz :(

Ps. Didn't know you have a girlfriend! How is it going with her?
schneeeeee ! <3, going to work in 45 mins.
my moms doctor wake me up with his loud voice, asdasdas

the next jimi:p:
please pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
teachers @ polska are protest strikeing :)) so going paly paly some football
I'm at work miss, and it's great. Soon off to lunch, sun is shining and all!

This summer i'm gonna work, get drunk, go to beach and HOPEFULLY get a girlfriend :(
hej sweetie:) hope all problems with water are solved already or u went to job only with towel?:)
and about summer plans, atm dont have any:) probably we will stay here, or will go to poland visit my family. Unexpected - me like polish sea:)
This morning = Knackered
Summer plans = The bug three S'

Sea Sun and Sex Sangria

Ok fine sex too :D

Nice not shouting me out clearly the love is no longer there
my dear u arent that often here so i thought u wont read it anyway! and a secret love is much better but u did it official now!! hexy wow sounds good ;)
its true i'm not that often here, add me on facebook i'm often on there <3
but im not there! :p
well get there :P
Had to get up for work at 6:30 am

got up at about 7am....was late

thats aboot it.

up ye
huhu schnee, going for a week in august with my best friend to explore norway (landscape blows me up every time and people say its the ugliest part of norway :OOOO)!
hope it will be fun (well i know it will) and i wish u a nice day
a lot to do! :D
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