here is the story:

i had a car accident a few weeks ago. while i was driving backwards i crashed into a car, which was driving way too fast.
So the police came and said it was only my fault because i was driving backwards. The other driver said he was driving too fast but they didnt care about it. So the police officer said: "If you say its your own fault than you have to pay 30 € and everything is fine".

And as stupid as i was i said ok i will pay it, np.

Now i got a letter and i have to pay 83,50 € for this administrative offence, but thats not all. Since im in probation period i have to do some driving lessons etc. again and that costs me about 400 € - 500 €.

Now i have to pay about 600 € in total for this little accident...im pretty fucked right now since i aint got no money :x

anyone knows what i can do in this situation ?

thx in advance
afaik you cant do anything, since you paid already the 30 euros, which means you admitted it was your fault. had to do the extra lessons as well for ignoring red light with a bicycle! -.- the others in that course laughed their asses off, because they all were speeding, made crashes and ignored red lights with a car... shit happens. =)
no, i didnt pay any money yet. so i hope there is still a little chance to get out of this =)

and with your bicycle stuff...that must have really sucked balls ^^
you shouldnt had admitted it because the insurance stuff aswell!!!
yep it sucked :D
lmfao, sux. gl tho :S
haha owned :D

btw i'll send a screenshot of ur topic name with "f*ck the police* to the police department.
i guess it will cost you about 1000€ more.
huh,u shouldnt admint it was ur fault :/
anyway, i wish u luck in that situation:)
Well hell no you don't pay it!

It wasn't your fault in any way. It depends a lot how much that other driver got speed?

But don't pay it, it's more his fault than yours.
He already paid one part, so he has to pay the rest too! If he wont pay he will go to court, and to win it he needs to hire a lawyer, which will cost him probably 3000€.

Nice one Zeku, raising insulting to the new level of acting as a friend to give bad tips!

I would like to see an animated review of this accident though.
no, i didnt pay anything yet. the officer said ill get a letter and i have to pay the 30 € than, but now i have the drama =)
Oh I see! Well then it might be better to go whine about it to police station.
hupoo just didn't read those comments before. ;>

BTW mate! i got penalty today aswell. :d

35€, due not using safety-belt. :dd

police officers has to be bored, when they follow be a looong time and then they turn lights + voices up, and stops me. :d
A few years ago i was driving and was pulled over for eating a piece of cake,charged with driving without due care and attention, had to do a 2 day driver improvement course that cost me over £100, lost 2 days wages = another £180, all the other offenders were there for accidents etc, they didnt believe me when i said why i was there, most expensive piece of cake i ever ate :D
Damn that sucks, it was good cake though?
Mr.Kiplings bakewell slice yum yum :D
Nice but not worth that much ;D
never ever heared that xfire is a justice community.
get a lawyer zomg
Public Transportation.
Indeed, or a bike.

Or walk. :D
If you now say "ok, I didn't admit" the other dude will propably be like "hm, I wasn't drving too fast".

Since you were dude driving backwards I guess you are fucked =(((
A BIT LATE D00000000DE
like ur mother last night :)
i loled !

600 Euros - np 4 me.

Go to work or go to jail :)
tbh in israel it should be the dude who drove too fast cuz he didnt kept a safe distance :O)
obsessed by israel?
maybe he could say that also .
its like in a chain accidents the fault is on the drivers after the first car cuz all of them didnt took a safe distance.
thats the same with the speeding driver !
go to court and sue them all!
ride the bicycle, save the world
Get contact with the person who drived too fast
seek legal advice
never trust a policemen!!!
i learned that for sure :P
well i payed my fee's already some years ago!! :D
doesnt matter if the guy was driving fast as your reversing into oncoming traffic they'll just say you should have paid more attention to the road and all that bollocks, over here in england if you cant pay a fine in full you'll go to court and they will sort out some payment scheme like a tenner a week
get some free legal advice and see what they say i wouldnt worry about it to much tho
Never say it's your fault when it isn't :o)
But yeh legal advice is prolly the only thing you can do, eventhough that's gonna cost you way more... So basically you're screwed :<
4 years "Probezeit" now? =)
that sux, i hope everything will go fine for me till october. i even try not to drive faster than 20 over the limit :p
0,0 alc til 21 - no matter if you still have "probezeit" sux so hard too... i mean i can't even drink 1 single beer... or i'm fucked if the police stops me...
frau am steuer - das wird teuer ;)
nookie = shemale
seriously that sounds too unbeliavable to be true :S
nope everything is real just like i described it.

they said it doesnt matter what the policeman said...im just fucked now :x
Quotewhile i was driving backwards
case closed.
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