Bye bye Frei...

Looks like Frei has been hurt quite badly indeed! He was having a decent game as well!
Sucks to be honest, poor guys first game back after his ban and he gets injured, I think I'd be crying too :'(

image: _41815280_frei416

I still think Switzerland will win, Switzerland 2 - 1 Czech Republic
Won't miss him!
Sad thing =(
he is crying like a little baby :D:D
Indeed 8D
you'd be crying as well if you just had recovered from a very bad injury and get injured again in the first match of the em...
too sad to be true. =(
Won't miss him!
That's so unbelievable sad. He is really a nice player with a great character. Frei knew instantly that his dream is over....pure Alex. The stupid wannabe comments of some people here make me sick.
True, if I hadnt already been warned for admin abuse I'd remove the comments =)
what happend to him? and i missed it :((
let's hope he is fine for next match :>
Never... :( The tournament is over 4 him.
ye who is it:D
boring game tbh
how bad it can be :/
Very sad ;(((
I feel sorry for him. The game is horrible btw, both team suck donkey balls. Of course Switzerland can't do much better, but I expected more from the Czechs.
shit imz... good player...
Still i hope switzerland loses
switserlands chances of winning now decreased from 0,001 to 0,0001
I'm waiting for image: 329px-Doner_kebap_Istanbul_20071026 VS image: 02-ronaldo-crying
ronaldo is a fag,but anyway i hope por will win
bibuy frei, but swiss gonna win
i actually felt sorry for him :<
too bad, but swiss will still win :)
damn so unlucky, anyway i think czech are going to win this match
I know how that feels it SUCK big time.
: ( but i hope SWISS will take it...
anyone got livestreams links for matches btw?
There is already a journal with that name.
ye, I noticed
swiss will win
The Swiss play decent but the Czech could really turn it up a notch. I think it will end in a 1 - 1 or even better 0 - 0...
so long as they are still strong enough to bash the Türk faggits, then I'm happy.
Swiss without luck :<
its a shame
he is an awesome player and an awesome character
can i has cookie?
the choco cookie with the lli logo on it! :D
little girl pwner!!
don't you feel guilty when you fap to a 12 year old? :D
I'm not sure
Oh boi! -_-
You are
h3h3h3h3h3 :D

such a nice weather ouside <3 :)

im sitting on the baclony with my pc
Ja! naturlich. anyway, i'm off to eat. cu l8r :Þ
i haz a football match now, but i don't wanna go away from cf :L
look what i created: image: 47new

it's not final, though ;X
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