Lost times billion, Heroes was entertaining but the overall story on season 1 is just dumb, easily more dumb than on your avarage comic book. It's like they figured out new plot twists before they started filming the episode and decided to put that in the program.
hate both teams (haha)
nah, gl both
shows: only watched heroes. 1st season was barely watchable, second is shit
you see wat I did there ? :p
i guess heroes
EDIT: Oh didn't notice the gamestv link. Don't care about it anyways.
Heroes is about superheroes.
You've clearly never seen the show.
It's a well written script with good acting. The concept of the show having "superheroes" shouldn't stop anyone from watching it.
but I like heroes too :)
Lost owns.
The West Wing > all though.
typo was an accident.