
yes!:D I passed my exams

3x 7
2x 6
1x 5
HACKz @ exams lOL
all learned from you!
ha! i heard today that i didnt had to do exam! ( norwegian schools are strange!)
omg:[ waiting till 5 for my results! nice btw
i'm still hoping not to get called in the next hour! :P

my gf is at my place though and she probably gets the call (:O) so that would suck ass DAIDHASDASIDaasas
u gonna suck her ass? (k not funney)
well seen, my young padawan, well seen
only 6 exams ?!!! And you have already your point? :o
yeah 6 exams:)
only 16 and already exams? i smell mavo
congratulations tho..
LWO is lowest.
wow lower than vmbo? must be for the mentally retarded
Sort of, yes.
my friend is 16 and he (probably UBER SMART NERD BUT COOL PERSOON) passed his havo today...
sorry what does 3x7, 2x6 and 1x5 mean in this day and age ? In my day it was A,B,C. Anything less than a C ,which was 60%, was as U meaning unclassified.
scale is 1,0-10,0... final grades are rounded to 1-10
1,0 - 5,4 = fail
5,5 - 10,0 = passed
so he failed 1 subject, and that is allowed
That's fucking retarded system.
which part? the fact that you can fail 1 subject?
That one is good, but why does the scale go to 1? Since everything under 5.4 is considered failed.

In Finland we have 4-10 or 0-5 scales in use, and I think that is a better system. It's more clearer, and makes more sense. I see no reason giving numbers that fall below fail in anycase.
If you fail one so badly you get a 1,1 you can't pass. You can only pass with one 5 and one 4 and there are rules bound to that. Plus the fact 50% of the final grade are already made of different exams. So if you're average a 3,4 you need to get a 7,6 at the final exam to pass (=average 5,5). If you have a 5,4 you only need a 5,6.
So, what are these grades for? Usual everyday exams or something more special?

Similar system here, if one has numerous courses of same subject, then one has to be over or exact 5 in average.

The thing was about that ridiculous way of taking it so far after the exam has failed. If 5.4 is the limit, I see no reason to give numbers even below it, but if they wan't to make it even harder for people, then it's understandable.
That would mean I'd get the same grade for just failing an exam or just coming there and write my name and leave. That makes no sense at all. You should see it as percentage scores. Its like you need 55% or higher and everything below is failed. These scores are used for everything, a big test, small test, graduation exam.
they simply use it to calculate an average. you have multiple kinds of exams over the years, some count more than others, and the average decides wether you pass or not. this simply makes it easier to work with.

also, you're allowed to fail 2 subjects by scoring a 5, however, you're not allowed to fail it by 4 or below.
ye what wesbo said...
AND its an indication for fail vs ÜBER fail...
4 x 8, 1x 9, 2x 7
i finished yesterday but have to wait another 2,5 weeks for my scores
Nice phemon =D
I need to wait 2 years more for my exams xD
i got 5 left <.<
poor boy :D gl at exams
gl with them ;)
same here.
last exam 30 june ...
Better than my results I guess D:
i have 1 exsam left : p
and its english
I has 8 more :(
ill get my results on monday :s
Im getting my result in two hours!
<- 1,8 @ a-levels (Abitur)
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