Future world champ...

I doubt this kid will be bullied @ school :D
edit: but will surely die on the streets cause boxing wont help against gunz
lol wtf >DDDDD
jam jam o:
is that a boy or a girl :/
lol its a boy
looks more like a girl
"Description: What a nice reaction and coordination. Don't make her mad! ;) "
Pretty Boy Bam Bam, is a 6 yr old model/Actor who is training to become a professional boxer. He currently resides on the ruff and tough south side of Toledo, Ohio.

Bam Bam has been training ever since he was 2 yrs old in both boxing and modeling. He was born on September 11 2001, right as the second plane hit the south tower on that faithful day of 911. The movie Raising A Champ is a documentary produced by Toledo's own Frank Wright of Wright Tyme Multi Media, and it is narrated by his dad Toe Joe. This movie entails some of the boxing techniques and exercising formalities that are required to prepare the body and mind for a career in professional boxing. Bam Bam is currently seeking additional support for a excursion to New York to coordinate further progression in his modeling career, we really need your support, so please purchase a official copy of this movie. We now offer orders by phone.

Contact: 419-917-3310 for more information on the movie or if you would simply like to make a donation, send $15.00 for the Movie In the form of a money order with a self address envelope...your help would be greatly appreciated. Send Mail To: Toe Joe 753 Tecumseh Toledo, Ohio 43604.

Send any paypal donation to: [email protected]
I'm sure he can kick everybody here execpt me ofc
hi bruce ! :D
holy shit he's/she's fast
Thats don't proof anything
Wtf ö
its a girl btw
dein mamma?
Its a boy his name is Pretty Boy Bam Bam..
doesnt even look like a girl
quick hands!
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