hahaha image: JENS@FAIL

btw i know him
hey hacker
why don't you like cocks =( ?
I prefer to see the girl, not the cock of the guy
I don't like his cock =(
i didnt took this foto that was a girl who did the foto but i has it on my ftp :D
i loled rly xD
why is there a snake crawling out his pants?
I don't wanna know how your dick looks like
He doesn't know, cant squeeze his belly in so he could see it :D
we have mirrors nowadays
i rly lol'd
HAHAHAH is that his gf or is he touching some girl or is he
trying to have some fun ...is she ok with that :D ?

anyway if answer is no to most of this questions then FAIL !
he must have been horny ...never had a sex
Happends all the time, cmon. When you have a hard one on it just comes popping out.
looks like winghaven
thought the same
haha lie more plx!
do not want see that :C
LOL nice one, horny boy!
no it isnt a fake i has more pic like that of him, he was drunken
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