last week of school

only have 3 days left till the summer, got holiday till begin september ;3

woehoe yeah

hi2u from Jamaica btw
hi2u2+ congratulations sir.
same , exam tommorow & thursday and FREEDOM
i dont have exams, but im still stressin cuz i have to finish some shit :D
then stop hanging around on xfire and gogogo
i take 2 min pauses when i work 10 min =D
lol i have like 5 weeks left :<
Im free since 5 weeks :D
6 weeks left 4 me :<
4th of july is my last school day whooo!!!

Then holidays till 1st of september(A)!
poor you. :(
still have whole august + september :p
random mustache man :{D
why are u always editing your posts! :D

random moustache man: :}D
always? one twice today!
4 days left :<
i have holidays since 3 weeks and 4 the next 2 month :>
you did exams prolly?
yes all finished and get my results last friday ofc all passed :>
had summer for liek 16 days already.. till september
5 weeks left :D
4 more days
2 weeks left and then hope I'll graduate, otherwise I'll have to wait 3 months for the new exams.
same here :D walibi on thursday <3
school till ~1st august
nice :) i still got month full of exams
its me theodor, im at destiny's house :~>
i've got holidays since 20th june
holidays start in july and last till october 20th
time to get a job
holiday has started @ 13th of June :>
started about 2 weeks ago <o/
2 weeks or so...
I've almost finished my summer work and you're at school :O
this and next
had this 6 years ago^^

yeah now work incoming...
2more weeks =DDD FUUUCCK :p
Holidays Started ; 3rd June
Holidays End : 1st September

Holidays Started ; 4:th June
Holidays End : When i find a work :]
2 more exams:P
2.5 Weeks left.
school sux, i work at home and i can earn money..
i have to work the whole summer, gg
2 weeks left + the fear of not passing this year .__.
only 4 more days now
11th august till 22nd august
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