im at school doing some extra hours due to much our skipped over the year i know it sux!
now im bored after a few hours of doing some shit for school

Do you guys have a nice game to play for me
i can play CS for you, if u give me
wanking while playing et
War of conquest!
im at work, being paid for surfing at crossfire...

so where do you work at?
Measuringcentre in a rubber and plastics fabric. I measure stuff with extreme accuracy to ensure the quality and safety of the product. Don't have much to do now though, so I'm here behind my pc (yes, got my own pc here, and fucking proud of it :D)
so what exactly in practise do you do?
Well, I often get production (mainly plastics) which will be delivered to our clients. For example: we're the only ones in Europe making those Philips shaving devices you see in those commercials (with the robot under the shower n stuff). I then get a few nests of plastic plates from these products with the corrensponding drawings (technical drawings), and then I use measuringdevices ranging in price from 20.000 to 120.000 euro's, and measure these products till a thousandth of a milimetre / milinewton.
you make it sound soooo difficult :P
It is m8 ;) It's a really specialised profession, and I'm really überlucky to be working here.
im an industrial designer and engineer...i know what the machines do and how they work...and its not that hard imo, a lowschooler can handle it
Could be that you know, but I highly doubt it, since we have one of the most advanced measuringchambres in the whole of Europe :>

We have a mahr countourmeasuring system, a Mytutoyo 3d measuringsystem, a videomeasuringsystem, an oldschool measuringmicroscope. Also, we write all our programs ourself (involves lots of 3d thinking). Trust me, the ppl who work here work here all their life now, and still learn new things every day (courses n stuff).
and you like...push a button?
Nope, I'll explain when I'm at home cuz I got some work now (have to write a measuringdocument) :>
no not rly interested...hf at work
Get rid of your ego lad, there are also other ppl in the industrial area with good jobs :)
has nothing to do with ego... i just dislike you and dont wanna waste your time anymore
ego ego ego
I suppose ur not working at Norma bv?
since they are doin high precision stuff like u said also those shave thingies for philips and other stuff for AMSL and Thales only they do metal work..
Nope, Helvoet BV, we don't do metal though (although we're the only one in Europe to be able to combine rubber with metal)
every thing is boring atm !! dunno since friday i felt boredom everywhere!!
if you're so bored, go help me find a solution for this problem! <3
even working or finding solution for problems are boring for me atm i guess its some psychological thingi1!!
I know what you're talking about lad, have the same rly often these days, even cba to play a game, I'm just behind my pc being bored of being bored the whole day then ^^
well i am already moved away from my pc went outside tried to do smth which usualy entertains me but nothing worked!!
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