Killerboy oldcheater

Some people start to say that killerboy is in real a fake from a "ex" cheater

To prove that you can see he have done Ban to cover his friends that play on VJ clan.


After have added this ban he try to accuse an innocent player to use cheats

But crossfire's community notice that this ban is a cheat..than he
try to use false informations to proof something (but he proofed nothing).

He look vj's demos but he refuse to ban them (because they are friends!)

Take a look to VJ .. aren't they real cheaters?!



I hope that CB remove killerboy and substitute him with someone good as was Bulldog

Sorry for engrish but killerboy make me laugh
Member For: 0 days
Cba reading

nor care

its a game, you wasted time trying to bust pixels

conclusion: Fail

image: Failboat
Since when did you become such a wnb-retard?
... >.<?

Rebel <3er?
Can't you spot the sarcasm :<
no marn. its text only. :D
my heart belong to another woman =)
well depends how you look at it ;p

now im not free to do what ever i want :D
lol, recently fell out with my best girl mate. Like.. not like going out.

just friends

her problem. nOt mine.
Silly girls =/
if i understood you, you love your best friend girl friend?
dude this is a code of honor, never ever look at your friend girl friend =)
nop. just we are good friends about everything.
she is with one of my best mates atm too.

i was a hypocrite, god pissed and stoned on saturday. and she was like RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
@ me :\
you must talk to your best friend
if he wont talk to you than he wasnt your friend =)

just talk to him and thats it nub, cuz this girl might even cheat on him
No lol. Its my mates bird that i WAS great friends with.

not atm though.


will sort it.
i...i... rly dont understand =(

but good luck anyway ! *thumbs up*
thanks babe.

just re-read

its sure hard to understand

oh i have more LLI's in my profile than anything else :<
change your flag to your national flag !

np: tiesto - in search for sunrise 7 :D
ah, btw still paly eT?
but prefer medic :O)
not class! Cless. Clanless :D
oh lol
didnt noticed xD
well right now i dont have, cuz i have huge problem with my provider =(
i will call them now brb :>

lol i told them their scam, and at the moment i said it they said 1 second and they direct me to someone else :D
now i waiting for him :~>
i dont got it somehow :S
who cares about killerboy?
i agree that his avi proofs nothin
i also agree that he is not able to argue
and i also doubt he has got the language skills to do this job!
i think he says that killerboy tries to cover his friend and is not responsible enough to be CB admin
Right! You got the point!
everbody knows this
nobody seems to care
ok now i get it :) thx m8
I hope this is true
ConFudge is alive!
Not enough sense in this here post.
gtfo with your cheater friend
wtf is with the avi's ? if i open them i only hear ppl walking, no video :/
i would never trust a guy who is not even able to write in decent school english
Everybody knows that you hate h3ll and sh33p(italian story). So your opinion is totally subjective.
ive played with the real h3ll in a mix "clan" 2 years ago and never had any problem with him
the problem is that the h3ll u know is just a fake but youre too retarded to figure it out
The problem is that h3ll and sh33p hate you, they were at my TS yesterday and they sent me a cool video about you fighting in a LAN xDDDD It will be nice to upload it here. ;)

Btw don't continue saying that my mate is fake H3ll because you are only showing how silly you are. If you want a proof you only have to request it, but don't doubt about the things i explain.
not rly take a better translator
your mates were cheating and got banned, get over it.
funny how you always agree on shevchenko's posts and shevchenko always agrees with you!
That's called fight for justice. We will not stop until ban gets removed. I wouldn't fight if they cheat, but i can't stand se how two players are innocenlty banned by a kiddie who thinks he know about private bot and tracking. I lol'd on his knowledge.
the ban will never be removed.
and even though i don't always agree with killerboy (an admin should be able to argue better and not reply with random pics imo) i strongly doubt that these guys are innocent
I wish i could debate with him like i debate with you, really. Btw i believe my mate if he says he doesn't cheat, also he's a known rtcw player he doesn't need cheats in a random 2on2 match.
wtf is with the avi's ? if i open them i only hear ppl walking, no video :/
Nononame tells the truth.

Killerboy covered Vj obvious cheats.
Killerboy reached useless proofs(like comparing real h3ll to Ynos cheater)
Killerboy isn't able to ban a player with real proofs(suspicios demo? rofl)
Killerboy is still an admin but nobody knows why.

When you try to talk with him and make him recognise the truth, he start using sarcasm. Really annoying.
a conspiracy!
sto te nema vise na irc?
BNC down, a i radim zadnjih par dana od 13 do 23, danas zadnji dan
How can he see VJ's Demos if he never GOT those, the match conflict was about you, not about VJ
Lol, should those Vj demos be some kind of proof of him cheating? what a fucking retard u are.
Gjeez, somewhat of a retard.

I dont even bother watching the avi since I know VJ is clean.
And ur friend should be banned so WP from Killerboy or whoever banned him.

2 ez.
VJ is clean.???????????

demo first!
Vj simply just owned u guys, I bet u dont even know who VJ is.
You are a random guy from spain? who used cheats but VJ is an old ET player who has prolly played ET before u where born.

Vj simply just owned u guy

COLOR TEAM WIN and get fake ban

Vj lost match!
Well u or ur teammate cheats so nice that you got the ban, and I bet that Killerboy dont even know who VJ is.

And there is no such thing as a fake ban, gjezz...

I believe it's about a CLAN called vj :D
Hi again, im russian now... last time we spoke i was turkish :D

Vj is a clan, based on the player Vj, which got a channel #Vj. Vj is based on his first name and last name and hes from norway :O
u know... i teased u when turkey kicked croatia out of euro2008 :<
I'm impossible to be teased

but anyway, I'm errming about that vj thingy, doesn't matter who it is, I replied to eirik cos he thought the player vj played and not the clan
Vj, the player did play under the nick kAuz for the clan Vj.
isn't that kaiz?
kaiz = Vj (the player)
Nice not knowing the story!
Nice! You say:

"Vj simply just owned u guys, I bet u dont even know who VJ is.
You are a random guy from spain? who used cheats but VJ is an old ET player who has prolly played ET before u where born."

Color won Vj.
He's not spanish.
He didn't use cheats.
Sh33p and h3ll started playing rtcw before you know what a computer was.

So stop talking shit if you don't know nothing. First get info(real true info, no killerboy invented proofs plz), then talk.
Are you stupid or something?

You really think KillerBoy bans people just for fun?
He has demonstrated it. Btw i answered you because of your completely point lost.
Demonstrated it?
Played ET since I even knew what a computer was, funny that we have never heard of em.

The xiitier deserves the ban, gtfo.
First get real info, then talk. If you can't do this, you r the one who have to gtfo.
the only reason i dont like killer boy is because he always and i mean always isnt able to act like an adult
in some point he try to be the king of sarcasam by talking shit and putting lame pictures.

work on your attitude kanker
Totally agree. And he still continue with the same.
He's using the Chewbacca defense!
x-plane please :<<<<<<
look at his english :D::D:D:
LoL me no lol get plx u mean, lol... pleez hellp me undrstund
chewbacca uses the same english as the guy who posted, get it?
The cewbacca defense just makes no sence, just like this
The chewbacca defense
Gamesens you got it or not :D

btw, make some proper avi's these are total shit :/
Er du norsk eller nynorsk?
Nederlandsk ;D men vanlig norsk ^^
lol, trodde du va svensk..... NOT lol
Lolololololo :D:D:D:
there are some guys more retarded than polish kids najs!
moar failboat pics plz!
It's all a trick so killerboy can get more comments and become the number 1 spammer !
indeed Bulldog was the man, he was like the man character of shaun of the dead. "Your mums a zombie, shoot her head off with the shotgun" - NP4Bulldog

people need to outcast players the second they learn they cheat. See a lot of the 'hes so nice on comms" means nothing :O( go outside and meet people if you want to have nice talks

gaming is serious business
noticed that and nothing changes thanks
Yupp, aiming trough trucks, and perfect timing at the main gate there.
And there's no way he could have heard the guy running up the stairs at the back either.

It's just too obvious.
It's all just a huge conspiracy to ban innocent players, let's stop it while we still can!
Unban h3ll and ban killerboy and "his friend" kAuz please.
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