General Euro2008 journal -.-'

Cuz my last journal got deleted (god knows why, it was a normal journal), I'll make a new one, being my general opinion on this EuroCup.

Tbh this EuroCup is one of the weirdest I've seen so far (not that it were many I've seen). I mean, look for example at Holland, being a real underdog. They unexpectedly made it to the quarter finals, with brilliant play, and then they lose against Russia in a match played with stupidity from the Dutch side beyond my imagination. You can ask yourself, was their achievement to the quarter finals just dumb luck, or did they deserve to win against Russia, or did their ego just grew too big?

Then there is this match Germany against Turkey. Turkey, being one of the greatest underdogs of the whole tournament, made it to the half-finals with a broken team, and then get outplayed by a team which was actually weaker the whole match. Turkey deserved the win imo, although I'm still happy for the germans. Also, this whole match was fucked up because of the shitty referee, can't even imagine how this dude got to be a referee on this level of football...

I can keep on going like this, nearly every match so far has had it's flaws and weirdnesses. It's just a weird EC in my opinion, and at the WorldCup I'd really like to see something else, because I can't be arsed to even give the slightest crap about luck-based nation-level football.

/release the flame

image: euro2008logo
Thanks for sharing.
well yeah, its been boring. only mix team vs mix team. had 0% interest towards ec this season. clanbase has lost it's touch.
I'm not gonna bite
I'm not gonna bite
I'm gonna bite

did you even read this journal?
first few lines.
Erm... Ok
its weird yes, but who cares?
it's my 5th EC, and it has always been weirder than the WC for example
argentina last wc = holland this ec
south korea 02 = turkey this ec

see the trend?
Holland last WC won both matches and a draw against argentina and then lost in quarter finals against portugal (in the weirdest match I've ever seen). I think you can compare Holland with Holland :D
difference is argentina in the last wc played by far and away the best football in the tournament, as have holland in this ec. the comparison i was drawing was that in the last wc argentina looked so good that they were dead certs of winning the whole tourney, as were holland in this ec :p
Holland played well too last WC :(
south korea deserved to be in semifinals, turkey didnt
then germany didnt deserved the finals ²

turkey sucked against cro...germany against tur
i just try to provoke :)

? :((((((
i ll go inactive after ec 2008 again
The other way round!
right and polska deserved to win ec ofc
Are you fucking dumb?
no, me iz about to get abitur in bavaria what means im as smart as a polak professor at a polak university
Obviously not!
there you see...they even tell you, youre smart at university..this is such an epic fail
funny... not, you failed
guess what, i didnt try to be funny in this case
you always try to be funny, because it's "funny" for you to laugh at us, the same with our jokes about Germany

oh and nothing would change it, we are just created to hate ourselves (at least you are the one who believes in it, I don't), so go on - there are still really nice people in Germany, that's why I just hate people like you, not the whole country (like you do)
now thats pretty least i dont care enough about people i 'know' only from inet to have such strong feelings like sry to destroy your theory, but im not created to hate any1 of xfire(beside maus maybe) :)
you mean irl you are very kind and love everyone, but @ xfire you are having fun with such as jokes?
Parent very kind to many people, but not all ofc...
i just tried to say that i dont rly care about inetguys, so i cant love nor hate them like u said "...created to hate ourselves each other" i can only love or hate ppl i rly know irl...
maybe this professor thingie was a bit exaggerated, but the bavarian 'abitur' is rly difficult to the other german ones & imo harder than all the polish graduations(leave out university)..

dno if its written understandable, but im too lazy to read it another time:/
Ok, peace. (and gratz, without sarcasm)
thx, but unfortunately ill fail this year:<
Ohh ohh great, so just come here and teach me more philosophy, coz for sure my professors arent so smart asses as u, my guru!
and btw mabye use "polish", looks better in my opinion...
you surely dont look bad, but unfortunately not good enuff to tell me which words to use, but n1 try
is there even 1 member on this site who likes you :<
oh please, just fuck off with that "spree is a retard" crap now, it's getting boring. This is a serious journal, and if you don't like it just gtfo...

edit: btw, nice hearing that from YOU xD
said nicky, the highpitchvoiced too-high-hormone-leveled überego teenager
what makes you think that?
Where did I say you were a retard
just a random QUOTE (notice the " sings) in the same line/trend of what you've said. It's just getting annoying. This is a serious journal, plz just reply serious. If I make them retarded random crappy cancerjournals / comments (like this comment xD), be my guest, but this is just gay :/
ok you got me there, I give up !
let's have secret IRC sex now and burn puppets in the forest
You got that reputation on yourself , not us to blame for , idiot
i highly doubt this
why they choose those 2 gay red head to simble euro?
i see them everywhere in israel !
they must be burned :D
colors of austria and switzerland? otherwise they would have white hair. They are still better than this:
image: goleo-bunt-ohne-schrift
A naked obese football playing lion
OMFG, Samson@buttsex, if I wouldn't be so drunk, I would be so freakin' arroused, I would cum immediately
i could swear you cried when turkey scored the 2nd goal, and then u wet urself when germany scored 3rd!!! :D
Referee wasn't that bad, lahms situation was terrible but otherwise quite nice... And you must be the biggest retard on earth if you claim european championship is luck based.
your 142 IQ must be obfuscating your mind... the netherlands weren't the underdog... their team consists of top-class players which play in top-class teams (such as arsenal, liverpool, chelsea, real....)

germany has been playing like crap in the group stage, so why whould they play any better now (ok, they did vs portugal...)

i can keep going on like this but blablabla...
NL were underdogs compared to italy & france :)
not if you saw france playing testgames
ow cmon, france is worth nothing... the average age was like 33 yrs old... they have a crappy offence, midfield and defence... what else could you expect than a complete failiure...
I disagree and it was Italy that had the very old team not France.
france has set up the oldest starting 11 ever in a EC...
That was Italy, average age of 31 something.
sry my bad... france with an average age of 30 years and 133 days
Dutch commentary said it :) so I was pretty sure.
you might be right, , but they have some good players... france doesnt :D
At 31 years and three days, Sweden's starting line-up is the second oldest in European Championship history, 49 days younger than Italy's starting line-up against the Netherlands on Monday, 9 June 2008. Greece also fielded their oldest starting line-up in European Championship history at an average age of 29 years and 325 days.

And I disagree I think France had a skilled squad and they were favorites over NL when the tourney started.
And I disagree, France wasn't even able to defeat teams like Switzerland, while Italy whooped Belgium's ass (dont tell me Switzerland > Belgium, because they were in this EC and Belgium wasnt, they both suck)
france only had one influencial player which was ribery carying the entire team, the rest were just average (relatively seen) players at least for as far as this EC was concerned
Holland actually was an underdog, read the football forums from only a few weeks before the whole thing actually started...

Every nation has their own great players, so that argument of yours is completely wrong :/
NL were underdogs because of all the problems your team has EVERY tournament. your player squabbles are second to none.
omg care :P
Turks out = wiiiiiiii
Too lotto game imo.
'nd I need more love from you :$
phuuh !
now i'm getting emo again ..

btw: ik zit ier chil in myn nakie.. niemand thuis <3
it's for me ,sorry
lol, congrats:D
i was talking about the love :s
I know, congrats @ having loekinos love, you broke my dream :(
thx ,u was dreaming about him?:D cool
it was my dream to get some kind of affection of loekino, but thx, u ruined it
u still have a chance !
Oh please, save me your sympathy
gimme some of that lovin lovin ,
no wont work
:( oke ... then i wont
Can I have some love from you ? <3
i spread the love ofc :) <3
hiiih :$ <3
russia will win, your whine is useless
Your last journal was deleted because there's a forum sticky serving the same purpose. I know you feel important and love the attention, but hopefully you'll get over it. xxx
get aids and burn in hell bitch

you're ignoring your function as an admin, I'm ignoring my function as a user who should respect the admin

game. set. match.
he has powers, you don't!
that's the whole point numbfuck -.-'
image: wh%20dscn0899

big enough for your IQ of 142?
that stuff hes got on his head is hair. One day, maybe, you will be lucky enough to see it growing on your balls....
jeez I dont agree with most of your stuff, but that comment almost made me add u to my buddy list...well said m8, respect <3

EDIT: in fact fuck it, ive added u...;)
just totally like people who say what they believe/mean without regard to the concequences!
Long live the communism!
yup u could call it that :8...or u could simply call it freedom of speech, which is especially relevant on a tiny needle in the haystack of the internetz...
Agree 100%

Your last comment wasn't deleted because all the admins at this website are licking your anus like your jesus. I know you feel impartant and cool and love the attention, but hopefully you'll lose your admin function and die in a carcrash. 666
How often I told you to use w0nd3r instead of wonder?
strange? boring? lolololol bollocks

its the best tournament ive seen so far, way more interesting with high level of playing.

guys, face it, its not 60. or 80. of XX century. big powers of football are not france italy germany russia anymore (well some of them are still strong), but its countries like czech rep., croatia, turkey (romania didnt go out of the group unfortunately, but are also technically skilled and stuff) which are one of the best teams around.

on such level of football (teams that qualified to the euro2008) EVERY SCORE IS POSSIBLE. you are rising brews (i mean the hair above the eyes, too lazy to check if its correct word) that netherlands lost to russia? why should they win against a better team (yes, even against span russia played very well, just made few mistakes, and then counter attacks - happens)?

turkey's case is the one i'd afford to call "strange". they were always good and stuff but this year they had definitely very nice season as you can see. face it - if it happens in 3 matches, it cant be lotto. no its not only luck that they were able to score those goals.

turkey decided to defend, but as they have weak defence (without cervet it gets even worse) they lose goals. yes, switzerland players attacked as they had to, they were playing in front of their nation etc etc... also there was rain involved, turks cant play at rain, it was visible. the water was gone - turks could finally play their football, technical style, not just "kick and run" on rain. they can attack, they can do it well, and when they do it i enjoy watching them. they scores 1st goal. they were still attacking, match was open, and now: where is the luck that arda shot greatly? ofc he could miss the goal, but he shot nicely and scores for 2-1. this way we can call every goal luck. you mean the additional time? switzerland was so stupid to let them do so... then there was czech game. turks defended again, they got punished: 0:2. but then, czechs stopped running. they thought they have already won the match. turks attacked. arda shot again very important goal. then there was lucky action for 2-2, cech made a big mistake and it nihat had easy chance to score. everybody was thinking about next 30 minutes, but not turks. turks kept attacking. perfect pass to nihat and he shot (riskly) and scores for 3-2. ez bash. now croatia. both sides didnt open for whole match. yes, croatians are better than turks, but still they prefered to stay closed and not risk. finally 1-0 in the end for croatians (wp rustu) and what? they have already went to bathrooms. but wait, the match isnt over, turks had 3 minutes or smth, so rustu kicking ball as far as he can, croatians kick the ball by head but not too hard, it fells next to semih legs... shoot. you can call that luck, yes, but wont you instead ask croatians what were they thinking/doing? and now german match. 2-1 for germany and turks attack again - '85 minute and its 2-2, unbelievable. tonight i was 100% sure that its not a luck. turks CAN attack and do it well. face it.

lololol i wrote it :D normally i write correct english, its just 3am and im so tired and angry, got no power to care about language style. mixed past simple with present simple, didnt rly know what way i want to write, nvm =]
you dont know shit about football, thats for of the bests EC ive seen so far
the difference between european teams is becoming smaller every day. But the fact that Russia Russia is playing a semi-final didn't surprise me because first of all they have a decent team. There competition is also starting after this EC so they are all in 'top' condition. The other countries all have had a tough competition behind them. It's normal they are tired and they aren't performing very well.

Would love to see an equal fight between Russia Russia and any other european 'top' team like, Italy , France , ...
hehe ! it was a fun night tbh :D
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