8bits vs RandomT4rds
27 Jun 2008, 11:58
Hello wise crossfire community users!
Today 8bits was on mirc and searched for a scrim!
And they found one! :o
knAs was one of these random nabs (its me imo)
And we got totally ass kicked in both bremen and Supply :<
Jere was spamming "thats a soure one :DDDD" all the time Silver and the other remained quite and ass raped us like 50 times in a row.
SHOUT OUTS TO Core&V!p3r for beeing a complete 2.55 raiting NOOB
Today 8bits was on mirc and searched for a scrim!
And they found one! :o
knAs was one of these random nabs (its me imo)
And we got totally ass kicked in both bremen and Supply :<
Jere was spamming "thats a soure one :DDDD" all the time Silver and the other remained quite and ass raped us like 50 times in a row.
SHOUT OUTS TO Core&V!p3r for beeing a complete 2.55 raiting NOOB
tof dat je nog eens af en toe de hele journal history van de laatste maand afgaat om nog wat spellingsfouten te zoeken. goe bezig makker!
ik @ 5 kills in twee rondes b4, np D:
gelukkig hadden wij Mirage en Djigi keke
just making conversation :(