ET @linux

Hi guys. what do you think about use linux to play only? ET will work fine or will i have some problems? What about teamspeak for linux?

Im getting some huge fps drops (50 @gr for example with my pc :< ). Maybe it works better with linux.. no idea...


image: ubuntulogo
teamspeak works natively, ventrilo doesnt

ventrilo can be emulated but only with wine, and you will need a decent soundcard or else the result will be terribl
whats the diference that you notice between et@linux and et@windows?
Because thoose fps drops are anoying me soo much.
linux uses your processor more efficiently thus better performance normally.
I get 50fps @ windows 200+ fps linux..
what shell are you using? I've been reaquiring myself with blackbox, but was using xfce last time I had linux as my boot os

image: desktopjuly
geeky starcraft wallpaper.
a change from my regular style of wallpaper I'll admit :(
you should read that "DONT BE STUPID" every time you post on crossfire
dont take ubuntu or any other distri which comes along with ALSA, otherwise no chance (or hours of work) getting sound from ET and TS/vent :D :D :D

and yes its way more smoother for me, but like i said, getting sound work when u play ET on TS is something like "mission impossible" with ALSA
Suggestion then!
dunno, i work with linux for uni stuff and so on, but never tried another distru. There are some fixes for soundprobs with ALSA and ET/TS, some worked for me but i switched over to windows again for playing :>
He's being silly, it took me 2 minutes to get sound sorted with ubuntu :{
yeah depends on ur soundcard mr...
Shitty C-media card
ye the latest Ubuntu works fine with ET.
thats bullshit.

et + ts2 = np in linux, but who play et and communicate on ts2??
et + ventrilo = depends on many things,configures, etc. = works, but bugs and weird use. (
At portuguese comunity (mainly the guys that i play with) we use ts2 since ever :P Ofc i also use ventrilo sometimes with them/other non portuguese guys. But we are used to ts 2 :)
lol I didnt know that, inverse situation in CZE.
its running pretty stable on linux but u need 2 emulate ventrilo with wine, otherwise u need 2 use ts2 ...
linux+ati = fail =(
only getting about 30fps and i couldn't disable mouse accel
yeah, the mouse accel thing sucks hard. im using a DA but.... no driver 4 linux :o(

and the ati thing is fixed 4 me :o)
if all would change to murmur (aka mumble) vent wouldn't be needed. Works fine here too. (but you shouldn't have a x-fi soundcard). search for hardwareblacklist and look if your hardware is on it, saves much time before install...
ag0n dont expect big boost, it was very little difference between et xp sp2 and et FC8 ( my pc in profile ), but et works fluently.

Maybe lags are caused by some shit services or programs, should be better tweak xp sp2 if u want only play et.
My idea is: Use a OS for ET only (sounds geekish xD). I do alot of things at my normal windows xp, download cracks/illicit programs. Im exposed to lots of bugs, virus, spywares etc. The idea is use something completely clean to play et ONLY. I could even settup a new windows xp installation.. but... :D
Win XP is good OS for et imo. Privacy is a different question :).
Another question is what causing those lags?

You should clean-up your xp2, disable useless services, reinstall / update / install ( whql ) drivers for your hw, or just try another drivers, not every driver works properly :).
Next ill try some tweaks programs, oc, setup bios, et and use google to find where problem is.

If u think, u r vurnelable from inet, just install good firewall, and take care about your traffic.

I checked your profile, and your pc is really powerful for et :) dont see any problem from hw side, and et works on slower PCs properly with xp sp2.
I think it is a hw problem. Really.

Lets see. I have a dual core, 1gb ddr2 800mhz ocz. I had an ATI X1900XT 512mb and i only got 260+/- fps max with r_mode 8 and a random decent gfx cfg. Changed to r_mode 4 and i got exactly the same max fps (while using com_maxfps 999). Not soo much lags like nowadays.
2/3 months ago by ati x1900xt 512 decome crazy and i had to buy an Nvidia 9600 gt overclock edition from BFG (512mb). EXACTLY the same fps that i had with x1900xt with same cfg.
I dont think that my ram could be the problem but im not soo sure about my motherboard. Its a low Asrock without any driver/bios update since i bought it :\ I feel like i have "power" to have better performance but something inside my pc tower is blocking my fps, somehow.
I always use a low gfx cfg with gfx drivers for perfomance.

Any idea? Im getting crazy. I even had more stability with my amd 64 3000+ 512ram and fx5200 :\

image: 82132001ug6

edit: maybe i need some bios tweaks about ram but my bios is 20000 years old
rly weird :<

I dont know how to help u, if u tested drivers, setup bios stuff, and didnt help you, it can be some compatiblity prob. U should try change some bios settings.
The chipset drivers are the same since ever and i got the last bios available. I have only been changing (updating) mouse/gf card/ sound drivers... Nothing more
btw one more thing, Cool`n`quiet option disabled?
yes, absolutely. Since ever :(
I play on linux for 2 weeks and I'm not going to switch back soon !
The only matter is that vent keeps on crashing in input and the few people having the same problem couldn't solve it.

Anyway, concerning the framerate, you might not have much more fps, but it will be way more stable.
My vent (2.1.4) never played properly :(( ( ALSA , SB Live)
even with setting the sound driver to oss in the wine config (alsa would emulate it) - it could help, but it didn't for me XD
I never wanted 5000000 fps. I can get whatever fps i want. But they are not stable and i dont know why. I just want atleast 100 stable fps :)

ps: i dont thinnk that its normal 50fps @ gr using r_mode 6 with a uber low gfx cfg and a almost clean windows installation (2 weeks old)
You need to "clean" your services on win XP, even on a fresh install. (But still it's not enough to get a decent stability)
ET has got really nice performance but setting up sound is pain in the ass!
I doupt ur fps drops are caused by windows.. Anyways If u come to see it is windows please let me know too cause my fps sucks! :D
it's perfect and you will increase your accuracy drastically.
You can make ET work with ALSA using . The problem for me was the mic on ventrilo emulated with wine
I finally solved both problems using OSS.
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