what to import from the USA

okay a friend is going to U S A next week and i want him to take something with me because of the strong $
i thought about the new iphone, but it's only available with a contract in the usa

so what can i get there which is much cheaper in the US then in europe??
have fun @ customs & taxes
but taxes are not on everything, are they? and also this does only apply on a certain quantity let's say when you buy 20 of the same kind??
I think you can import stuff for 100$ max if it is a present, above that you have to pay customs. And they are very picky at the moment cuz the dollar is so low
advise your friend this when he is taking alot with him: I don't know if any airport has it but Schiphol certainly does. When u get ur luggage from the tracks u have an EU exit and a GLOBAL exit , he should walk to the other side of the luggagetracks and take the EU exit , they aren't looking for stuff over there :P
thx for advice!
your m0m
thought the same!!!
Clothes. I found some rare/cheap shoes from NYC, and some jackets too what I can´t get from Finland.

And electronics were cheap too, I regret that I didn´t buy that police-radar scanner or stolen Rolex from a drug-selling nigga.
u can get the iphone without contract in the usa, but if u take it to europe u have to install another firmware i think or something like that.
dollar is weak in terms of euro.
very helpful guys...
i remember times when xfire really helped you :s
Clothing would be the best option, but your friend will need to un tag it and make it look like its his dirty clothing. Further well almost everything is allot cheaper in the USA. Oh and you should buy a house in California great for your pension.
fat hot chicks:

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