need an able player

need a player who is able to play SC and able to play ET and at the same time able to play both and well.. if you are also able to play @ next LAN and if you are able to play without external helps and if you are able to speak and able to be n1ce on comms then we are able to recruit you!

just go at irc and join , randoms are welcome more than the others 8DDDD
not rly
SC as in StarCraft ?
svper cheats
everything but the LAN matches for me!
bullshit, you are not an arnaqueur
everything matches for me
im low+ in starcraft and i shoot a headshot from time to time. take me!
gtfo poltard
payable or able?
So much conditions...can you fit them?
take meez
take gnajda
gnajda is disable ;>
french are too obvious don't take frenchs... without douille & his mates ofc :> (joke)
Stuka is good at starcraft and even better at ET, you should ask him
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