new CoD5 pic's :~>

well i dont want to ruin you :D
just watch it yourself, and then discuss about what you think the graphic will be (compare), and the gameplay :~>
holy shit, that looks epic!
rly?! =O

*checking my Warning Level*
the screenshots teling me nothing, sience they always making pre ss from incoming game looking better then the relised game
started MGS4 yesterday, dont expect any game will beat that in looks more than awesome! And the gameplay rocks like h3ll! While the first minutes i thought: lol, COD4 was shitty compared to this one!

hf btw ;D it will become better the more u play, u will get nice weapons and gear and shit :p and if u havent done yet, try out metal gear online. Its a bit difficult at the beginning but once u found out how to, it is funny as hell.
sounds good, i´ll try it :)
CoD always was a quality franchise and this seems like it stays that way.
are you trying to be the new fuzz? :>
cod2 was the last good cod game
Also the last I played >:D
Activision will completely ruin the COD scene when they release CoD5 so early. CoD4 hasn't even got a proper ruleset (read: they have but there is still a lot discussion about it) and in my opinion CoD4 should have experienced more MAJOR LANS before CoD5 is actually a fact.
The marketshare of average joes buying their games is a lot higher than the marketshare of competitive players. Do you really think Activision gives much of a shit wether Cod4 has a proper ruleset for competitive play when they will sell millions on Cod5 anyway?
I think they don't, but thats just fckin sad as the gamers are the ones who 'really' enjoy the game and give the game rather much exposure.
Advertisement gives the game exposure and they do that well enough to make sure millions of people buy the game. The few gamers and LAN's it's on is nothing compared in numbers of ppl that actually buy the game worldwide. Most of which have never seen a LAN or ever played in a clan. It's just a simple matter of numbers really. They make most money on ppl other than your competitive gamer.
Hmmk. But activision should have a heart for the competitive gamers though, don't you agree?
For the competitive gamers that would be nice, yes, but if you were Activision and they asked you that question, you'd simply answer with "why?"
I don't know, I might have released CoD5 but in such a way that it would sell a lot, but also that competitive gamers would stick with CoD4 and get what they would deserve imo.

(Die-hard gamer viewpoint lulz)
Diehard-gamer points of view will not result in big revenue's ;)
fuck cod4, you guys should have stuck with cod2

its your own loss anyway, enjoy your terrible game
I still play CoD2 daily, but it's not like it's attractive to play each seasons EC in CoD2 lol.
Obviously Activision doesn't give a shit about competitive gamers, since they have never created any TV-client-thingy. No matter how much the community wants it, they do not listen... please prove me wrong Activision!
True, like I said the biggest bulk of the money is being made of of unaware average joe's so why would they spend time and effort to please a small group of ppl.
I think and hope that CoD5 will be like CoD:UO, where a small number of players from the community switches over, while the rest stays in CoD4.
Haha well I've experienced Cod:uo myself as well and I have to say that it was a really cool era, but that doesn't really improve the community in my eyes. It would be cool though, but I guess many teams will stick to CoD4.
boker tov ahi
vent? :)
ani hezi met :D:D:D:D:
nothing special . Crysis looks a bit better ...
thx god its oldfashioned again!!!

i hate this modern stuff!
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