"The legends of 3on3"


That's right folks. Lined up right there are the true legends of 3on3, the undoubtable champions of the "3v3 high supply/sw_gold" games, the players you'd like to get your ass kicked by just to kill them once in a 3v3 and then put that frag in your fragmovie, the players who are so bad ass they'd play your homemap braundorf and still rape the shit out of you, the players that aim so unfuckingbelievably good it makes you shit your pants at night, the players who use such intelligent mindgames making the ET 3v3 metagame look like a piece of shit, the players that would refereechange the map to supply once a map other than supply or goldrush has been chosen to play on, the players who played in the most feared OC 3v3 clans, etc. etc.

Now who do you think deserve the title of '3v3 Legends'?
#stfu? - me, squall, lettu, iron, lepari ofc! - especially when lepari was playing.
I think not...
we were ownage, simple as
lepari was/is ownage ... not whole clan :]
maybe,decem, but one time we got draw in 3v3 against ur clan in ladder ( I forgot name of the clan)
you were one of those opponents who didnt agree to play decider.

5368601 10 Mar '06 21:30 <|> et_beach/sw_goldrush_te 2 2 - 12
5353599 9 Mar '06 20:00 invite supplydepot2/sw_goldrush_te 1 1 + 24

these are the draws we have played and each time we have insisted on playing decider. though losing even a map against either of those teams is shameful so in a way you're right, we had our good days tho.
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands ovrboost
Netherlands Azatej
Netherlands mize
Netherlands foSt
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom RazZ
Germany butchji
Germany chaoz
Germany drago
Germany claw
Norway Gjerry
Norway SioN
Finland Raveneye
Finland mystic
best 3on3 team was parodia
one of the best indeed
they were the only team i have never ever actually beaten =<
their cp defense @ supply was awesome
double fullholds against me, kentsu and EXE :d
we double fullholded once or twice as well i think :)
yes, but with exe it is impossible :D
Germany Faky
& TWK clan
& the ones who are mentioned by confo
PolandGnajda and co.
highbot 3on3
i fucking hate supply
Well you're stupid so yeah.
not as stupid as your mom ;l
T4Ce > all


best players 3on3 for me :mirage okko rizzle sanda m1lk mize fuz (manix boumbo nirv)
I heard you got raped by a guy with 300 ping.

mirage OBVIOUS
rizzle OBVIOUS
(manix boumbo nirv) : BUSTED
okko low+ max.
hopfully (for you)you dident play against me when i was young :o
no offence mate, but you played unpatch then
i know m8 it was unexpected joke :D
thought so :)
parodia, The Wolfenstein Killers (TWK), sTREETFIGHTERS...
sTREETFIGHTERS or -WNB- 3on3 squad
Me, Mztik, Azatej, mystic

edit: and lol at that clan name

edit2: Others that deserve some recognition are TWK, DMD, mize and fost ofc (:D), M1lk, tek, lio and his crew
1/2 already prooved himself on lan, whats your point with the ":D"
Germany me, Germany me and Germany me

edit: no wait, ur talking about et... that would be a failure then :(
stormG is one of the best 3on3 player ever. "We take Frostbite or kick"
TWK no doubt l0l
highbot was pretty good as well
Germany clawfinger was one of the best 3on3 players imo
Teh Wolfenstein Killers!!!1111
where's?PolandGnajda and rest of trivium?
"the legends of 3on3" != "random cheating polskis"
atm every polish player is cheating according to my last scrimc [6o6 and 3o3]
so what Fab is doing there?
Fab is pretty skilled, he racks up 6/7/8 K dmg regulary in 3on3's.
Fab's played at the same skill level for ages, he was always able to get nice stats/dmg both before and after his bust :-)
cuz he always cheated?
fost mize azatej the unbeatable team.................

guess what, why?
the real legend is you tbh
image: haxug7

get life ^^
never were beaten so much in 3o3, except some unhitable morons 2 days ago, and some brits long time ago...

and who [at decent level] is playing shitty b4 as homemap?
sTREETFIGHTERS, TWK, eVent!, Highbot
for sho Netherlandsmorf
has won lots of 3on3 cups
An interesting journal after a very long time..

I've had most fun playing against DMD, sTREETFIGTERS and defix (not in that order necessarily).

Gosu and trivium were decent, but h4xz0rs.. and humm3l's highbot was trying but lacked the brains for 3o3. ;)

There were a lot of good individual players and 2 week mixes/clans, but the best fights are the ones going on for months or even years. History between the teams can spice the match up.
team-phoenix (idle)
me and modus are the engipoon so we are carefuck
We had the official loss against KiH and Im not sure but atleast we had 1-2 games against idle that could've been won by them, cant remember. Other than that we never got close to losing, you cant lose with ferus.
nice hair @ profile pic, would like to have similar
thx! its getting blonder by the minute for some reason
all swedens are blond, arent they? :D
bot clan is tse besttt !

141 was rly good (hi Italy MiC <3)
the_smiliayz were good too.. but lost against 141 !
and old pWs (MiC,M4X and me) was super good too :)
just reconzied that i dont got any screens/demos of that games anymore :( was exactly 2 years ago :/

players which always played good and Austria i liked to play with or against in 3v3:
Italy XyLoS
Netherlands perfo
Finland spirea
Sweden alexL
Belgium mAus
Belgium vila
Turkey fireball
Italy MiC
Italy Danone
Austria deAdly
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands abort
Poland diAler
Sweden fuchs
Germany phate
Germany roYal
Czech Republic CPU
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic tentee
Sierra Leone ill-ya (funny & nice guy on comms :P)

today u only find hunta guys as enemy or merc..
well are u about to add me or what? xD <3
nah but i added u to my greetz list at the interview for some new czech community ;)
wohoo <3 1 euro @ gtv gbooky 4u xD
lol teh_smilayz ...royal, fl3x and me :) ..old times!
haha how did you find out about this old journal? :D
was checking illy-ya's comments :)
:D should have added u to the list :S
real legends.
perfo are you jealous because you didn't get an invite?

best 3on3 team ever: feral/sinner, sexclick, bitchx
you feel me, nigga!
memento mori
mize + aza + fost (most annoying team ever) & Queens
+ those mixeds of roistot & gs guys, dont remember their clannames but in one team there was SW, mystic and wmpt if I remember right :)
e: all teams that were top of 3on3 ladder back to 2004-2005 (coz it was very active)

a bit later:
mitä ajan
mize + aza + fost + new peeps :-D
danone + vegi + mic (eventhough they sucked!)
new cheaters like nirv, genji, mirage, black etc. but they still sucked
nuggan + unix + wizzel
trivium cheaters
roistot was pretty good, but gs.. hmm not really :>
you have never beaten us!
ye it's pretty impossible to beat you with 'I play et once in 2 months' -kentsu and 'im the best et player' - exe. and tbh there are too many names to mention... all teams that were on top of 3on3 ladder back to 2004 end - 2005 start (when ladder was uber active) deserves a spot atleast.
you had roxie instead of exe, who was regularly rage quitting =D
ye it was pretty impossible to play with roxie, he whined so much on vent etc. when was that? at 2005 end right?
I don't remember exactly, but you played as Mutilation back then. On the other side we had Russia Diablo who would beat roxie in a vent-whine contest with a great margin. As proof to that - his neighbours once called the police, cause he was swearing and shouting very loudly stuff like "MEDIC!!". And I'm even not talking about Russia psycho (his nickname speaks for itself 8D). But with Latvia NEEGERS there was less hassle.
mu was already dead at that time, roxie wanted to use mu name so we did.
Gosu, TWK, sTREETFIGHTERS, HB, mitä ajan, defix and lio, acid & 3rd (their clanname changed like every week or so).
There are no legends of 3on3 because 3on3 is shit!
+50 ban points 8(
Netherlands echo, Netherlands fets, Belgium sile!
kreaturen, reload, twk, butchji's clan, gosu, streetfighters, parodia, highbot, future and the gang, matias his team, memento mori. Was always fun to play against these teams. Were some nice matches and ofc the belgians zeto mesqi lioco etc alexl pepper.
mita ajan, gosu, parodia, TWK, voodoo
reload & co (the best players in this game)
raab !
I think neegers pretty much dominated the 3v3-scene while they were still active
Just to name a few good 3on3 playes and teams: TWK, t4ce ":D", parodia, sTREETFIGHTERS, reload, ferus, jonas, alexL, rizzle, lio, sanda, snoop, butcji, modus, Xylos, azatej, ludA.
Mztik, AzA, Xpaz are destroying most 3v3 clans/mixes.
ye he is on my buddylist
queens, dmd, streetfighters, twk

most recent domination comes from me/aza/xpaz/mystic and whats left of the 3on3 scene is probably at the mercy of battletoads.
wheres mAnki
the swedish rewind squad was awesome tbh :/

[<<] jONAS, uniX & wizzel i remember them fullholding us at first part of adlernest with jONAS shooting 50+ acc wtf :p
-={sG}=- ?
this is obvious dmg bot mr.overschie.
nice list of unknowns

sF, defix, dmd, dhb, mori, int, pwn-team from when twk was active. some other prolly too, but most of them werent really active.
stfu n00b plz ! <333 uberm8.
Finland Traditional Attitude - Finland elessAr Finland saB0 & Finland santa Netherlands overboost Estonia noidentity / smutty etc
parodia, highbot

sCred is good in 3o3 aswell
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