Wolfenstein @ E3 (with teaser trailer)

QuoteHollenshead says the game will stick to the heavy multiplayer emphasis of previous Wolfenstein games. The game is called straight "Wolfenstein," and the 30 seconds of footage looked much like the Hellboy movie.

I don't think anything else was said that hasn't been posted on the net already.

More @ Quakecon

Any links to live streams?
Activision's conference was "unofficial" but a replay can be found @ http://e3.g4tv.com/e32008/press_conf_detail.aspx?pressconference_key=7 soon
thanks :) just saw a stream of the street fighter trailer, looks aweosme :D
can you give the exact source?
thanks , any idea when they will publish the videos?
as far as i can tell, there wasn't an actual trailer, but the press conference will be available soon at the link a few posts up, which will hopefully show the 30 seconds of footage they talked about. if it was in fact a trailer, it will be available at http://www.gametrailers.com/
teaser trailer added

hahaha :DDDDDD
i knew it!!
Looks pretty damn good actually. Seems like they're going to stay true to the single player, at least. Hopefully they'll do as good a job on the multiplayer.
yup hope so too.
aslong as SP is enjoyable and MP remains the current gameplay(3HS kills are most important!! :D) it wont be as bad as i expected.
Where would have been the difference then ?
They could just update eT with a better graphic and sell that.
honestly, id be happy with et + good graphics, cause i still love the game - if id want something else id go play cod4 or some other game.
what Fuzz said
hope the athmosphere will be the same as in rtcw
rtcw style
looks nice. but i hope they will make a video showing movement
damn... those havok physics will need a really good cpu tbh..
quadcore + hd4870 there u go.......
think hl to hl2
i don't remember seeing so advanced explosions among idtech4 games
Havok is probably more optimized though, the physics in previous tech4 games, well at least Doom 3 and Quake 4, were made by the developers so that most of the source code including the physics could be released in the SDK.
actually, where did you find that they are using havok physics?
i didn't find it here tho, i think they noted this in some interview aswell...
unfortunately "Wolfenstein" is not listed on Havok's website anymore. but i am pretty sure they have licensed Havok (and it's gonna be used).
now i know it, it was also mentioned in the game informer article.. somewhere :>
or soon, ati cards with havok processing in their gpus, np :D
Icarus with Stroybombs OLOLOLOL !

its a game especially for noobgrin :)
I just saw the Activision press conference and they said that the supernatural guns that bj finds in the game will be in the multiplayer...
I really hope you don't need to find them in the SP in order to play them in the MP, well, I don't want them in the MP at all :(
All I hope is that there is a way to take them out... the beam gun we seen already destroys enemies at a molecular level..

im uploading the wolfesntein bit from the conference now.-
Have you played RtCW? I am beginning to think that people who have these worries haven't played the game. SP was different from MP, I would assume it's like that in Wolfenstein too. In the worst case scenario, it will be possible to limit those weapons with configs like in ET for example. Really unsignificant detail to be worried about.
Yes I already thought about that... it is just a bad sign that this stuff will be in the multiplayer... and thats just one thing...
I ask myself if the ones making the game played and followed rtcw...

And yea i played the game, back in 2001. Why would i care if i wouldn't.
mmh.. It looks special and the design looks a bit like CoD4
Still, it's highly un-inspiring when you look at the visuals on Singularity, which is most likely running the near same tech as Wolfenstein. id Tech 4 with Raven Software's additions.
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