rtcw2 skill

first of all i would like you all realise that your a faggot.

When i saw post of TAG how they wanna recruit HIGH skilled et players for rtcw2 i almost puked.

the point is. I think that with new game (rtcw2) need to become new skill level. We dont know how will game look like. will it be easier or harder. But the skill level must start from begining. So ppl wich are "unknown" can also become high.

Lets say good player like night come to rtcw2 and suck rly hard. But he will still be in high clan cuz he is known from ET.

That is shit.

Thank you

your dear b1bub4bu
I honestly wouldn't expect more from the polish flag.

Anyone believing this bullshit probably isn't very good and has only ever played ET.
Like rtcw2 would have same gameplay like ET or close. Don't reply me I dont have time to answer this shit.

i agree with you, rtcw2 will be shit and most of us probably wont play it

but at the same time, if we did, highskillers would have a huge advantage
70 banpoints more plz
Agree 100%.

ex: as far i know, dsky/roistot or wtv sucked big time at rtcw and they were good at et.
weren't dsky busted?

(ok, i know im too newschool to know about the other dSKY)
duh.. i mean the real dsky guys (redcross n stuff)
:DDDDDDDDDd seriously, get the fuck off :DDDD
i was talking about the new dsky
yeah, like I didnt notice it
Don't refer to those cheaters as "dsky", just say something like: "those cheater-fags who abused the name of one of the best ET clans ever". Only use the name Dsky when you're seriously talking about the oldschool pwners.
made my day
Haha ur so lost gtfo.
wouldnt call that sucking in RTCW, real med+ skill imo, tho cant get rtcw.no results which would show more rtcw matches

also they had players in their RTCW lineup who didn't play ET

+ you have to remember that not all of RTCW top scene moved to ET so there was a place for new talants to improve and ofc game was little bit different, but more or less same people were good at both of them

so agreeing with this dumb journal by using this dsky argument is dumb
lol pls never, they've been lower average
Forgive me if im not that right. Im just stating what i heard because im a new schooler (playing et since fev 2005), didnt play rtcw online :\
That's life.

Life's unfair.

Deal with it.
show me some love!
boobs are okay too?
bullshit sorry, ownators in et wont suck that much in another game ;)
example: raziel :>

own rtcw -> sux ET

you have no clue and this just nails it
i didnt use right word for "suck"
did you see his et movie? he CLEARY was one of the best aimers at this time and he also played in best teams. so what more do you have to reach to noch "suck"?
ownators as in ppl like "kenta" will suck balls, unless he doesn't buy a cheat for it (he will, hes a nerd)
im talking about the lan ownators, not online
:) kenta played on LAN please :DDDDDDDD
i have no idea, i dont even know kenta xD
image: Boxes

left gnajda, right kenta
rofl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
You're attempt at being funny, failed.
uh, i'm serious :s, who is kenta?
this one :s?
yep, you didn't see the 5 avi's decem and some other guy made about kenta during the EC matches of last year :o
rofl :DD you missed quite alot then


there were about 2/3 topics and 4 avi's

1 2 3 are found in that topic

4th avi (longest/obvious one can be found here: http://dec.pp.fi/avi/etclips/kenta4.avi )

anyway, then he was on fusenlist, and then he got a pbban for etbot lol and now hes cb banned. the end
did I reply to you?

I meant to reply to killerboy
ye it was to me D:
why are you so angry today? someone stole your bear XD
What are you rableing about?
people over 23 laugh about other things i guess
isn't it 'Your attempt at being funny' ?
Don't be cross with me, I was just curious. :DDD
how did that come out as me being cross?
Spontaneous suggestion, I guess.
we shall see...
It's more like they will easier adjust to the another game. They just have the "feeling" of fps games, and newbies don't :)
my island is still alive bomberman :D
"But he will still be in high clan cuz he is known from ET"

that wont happen. U will have players from ET/RTCW/CoD/CS/ and much more... so there is a new community... and that means that nearly everyone got a chance...

U dont got the same community like in ET couse of the gamename. New game, new community, new hopes...
''NEW hackers'' xD
thats the way... we got too many hackers that produce the cheats... in former times u had to have contacts... now u got google...
You forgot about old cb bans...!
communication and teamplay are important in every teamgame ;)
That's life.

Life's unfair.

Deal with it.
"Lets say good player like night"


but I agree with the rest
Agreed 0%

I'm highskilled at RTCW², everyone knows it ! That's the point

http://kaltera.labrute.fr , see !
You know what's bullshit? This is...=)
tell me why is bs. if u dont have anything smarter to say just be quiet.

some ppl have hopes to play on high level.
Keep in mind that playing to win (professional competitive gaming) is truly a full-time job, particularly if you want to compete, improve, and win at the highest level. It will be a lot of hard work. You have to be persistent--keep practicing and competing.
what do you think i am doing? i am nolifer siting at my computer everyfucking day. geeking fucking ET.

when n1ce was searching players. mama said he dont want ppl wich have less than 2 years old account... point?
Checkd your profile and I didn't regognize any of those clans that you have played with.
Experience comes from the players around you and teams you'v played with. If they are realy good, then hopefully you will become too.

I'v played several years for ET (oldschool), but my "skill" wasn't improving, just getting worse. I realized that only reason why teams were good, which I played with, was because of the other players around me (Xpaz, Jauhis, euros etc...) I suck at ET so I quited, still playing some Q3 with friends but I suck at that too lol but thats not the point anymore. So I went to army and now Im not even interested of gaming.

My advice is this: If you want to become "pro" and you can't improve your skill or learn about your mistakes in a year or two, then you should think of something else to do when there's still time and you are still young.=)
Thanks for mentioning me!

Euro aka. Arachon for sure =D
listent those clans wich u seen were med. cwg with the good lineup is med+ . players like sonofevil, rosa, lelle and andy. so yes i am improving from day to day. but when i wanna join some good clan they give tryouts to "Known" ppl. and they just say no to me cuz i am newschool
I'm newschool, and I got somewhere, but beeing known and skilled in ET u clearly have an advantage in other games, noticed it quite fast in CoD4 that I have played alot of ET and got the aim up np!
did u ever play for the first lineup ? xD
probably the second or third linup, he was not on the first
i played as backup
backup at the third line, says all!
as backup? and they where never close to med + ? :p
I'm a faggot? :'(

highskilled cless merc avi for rtcw2 clans /q `Panda
no ur not :> those highskilled ppl arogant fuckers are. its rly stupid what they do. i wanna try to play rtcw good. and maybe become high skilled in it. but point is that not even 1 highskilled clan will take me cuz of the history in ET
You'll get in a good team, you're an ALMIGHTY! :)
you are so stupid man :D if you are high you will play in high teams. if you arent high you will ofc not play in high teams. do you think every player who plays on high level used to be high from the very beginning? and btw, u ll never ever get in a good et team with shit posts like this where you insult the high scene.
i didnt even try to insult high scene.
arrogant fucker isnt an insult? kk now i know
it was moment of angry. dont understand me wrong. but i am not trying to insult high scene
hes right for a little bit tough, most "high" ET players wont even talk/ try you out in ET if they dont know that person, so basicly give a pretty good player no chance to proove himself in a team with good players.
why should a highskilled clan take a player in their roster who is simply not highskilled? his whole point is that hes frustrated that he isnt skilled enough for the high et scene.
ye ok but there is a part where he is saying: The highskilled ET teams don't look at players they don't know or don't got a good history, while there are players that can easily play at the same level but because they have a "worse" team never won anything and therefor doesnt gets recruited to a better clan.

Just look at the recruitment posts of the better teams in ET:

-Needs to know someone from lineup
-Must have played at a LAN

and more stuff like that, it makes it imposible for players with the same skill but not fame to come up and play at the same level. I'm not talking about bibu his skill or anything just the general things that happen in ET when u try to find a better clan as the one a player is playing in atm. Bibu is just saying that he doesnt want things like that to happen in rtcw aswell but wants to get a chance to proof himself if u know what I mean :P
if a player who isnt highskilled, rly flashes good players, i dont see a reason why he shouldnt play in high teams then. but the truth is, that never rly happened to me in the last ~2 years because there simply arent new talents anymore. the only good new player i can remember is weak. but he was known from rtcw already which shows that his theory about same skill in new games is already bullshit again.
ye ok I agree that good players in ET will probably be better in rtcw 2 aswell, but still you dont get my point. If a player is good enough to play on a high level without being known except by friends he will never get a chance to proove himself on a high level despite his skill. And like Fuzz said you can blame the cheaters for it and PB for not working properly but, imo u can partly blame the high players for this aswell since they got a group and almost totaly close it for any new players.

About u not knowing any new good player, did u or your team give any try outs to players u didnt know anything about? For example If I would apply for your team and u dont know me or my skill would I get a chance then? probably not unless some high player does know me and tells u, u should take a look.

Thats what I mean Just that new players get to little chances to proof themself what will probably also happen in rtcw2
blame cheaters to be honest, if pb would be working it would be much easier for unknow people to get into good teams
high in et = high in "rtcw2" if gameplay is even closely the same
It's not about the skill you stupid fag, it's about the talent which highskilled ET-Players obviously have. Furthermore it's about the knowledge to play on a high level, in addition the 'highskilled-scene' is pretty small, due to this everyone knows each other, which makes it a lot easier to get used to each other.

But I have to agree, ET has nothing to do with the RTCW2-Skill, 'highskillers' have just the advantage by playing already on a high level and having a decent knowledge about fps-games.
i agree but point is highskillers dont let other ppl show their skill. they wont take a high skill person wich is unknown.
I seriously don't get your point. If you can proof your abilities and if you're decent, you'll be picked up by a decent squad. Just wait till the game will be released and look ahead, because you're taking it a bit too serious.
you are in big mistake... being high is about time u spend playing... not talent...

if average highskill plays for 3 hours per day, and u will be playing two times more its matter of time when u also will be considered as highskill
No, you're wrong. You need to have at least a bit of talent to improve faster than others. What about the medskilled guys, playing the game 24/7 since 3 years? Their qualities/talents are just not equal to highskiller-qualities.
It's called brain not talent.
talent > time spent playing
:D:D:D:D true :)
Why the fuck can't they recruit highskilled etplayers?

Even if they are high in et doesn't mean they will be high in the new wolfenstein and
did they even say somewhere they will be highskilled in rtcw2?

Sseriously gtfo idiot.
He's trying to ask how can people determine a skill of a player based on a game that isn't even released. They could be utter shit when it's released and not even like it :{{{{{{{{
They never mentioned they will be good in the new game nor did they say they automatically like it just because its wolfenstein.
I've not even read the TAG post anyway, just based on what b1bu said :D
He is bitter because the known etplayers get to play in highclans in rtcw2 just because they're known. In the same post he says the skill level will start from beginning so I really don't get his point of known players getting into highclans since the "skill level must start from begining".
skill level must start from begining . but it wont cuz of highskilled ET players
its seems your retard. read my journal again. than read post of TAG
They are searching for high etplayers for the next wolfenstein, what's the big fuzz? They never claimed they'll be anything in rtcw2, but ofc they have an advantage because of the massive time they've spent with fpsgame(s).
what if i wanna join them but i cant cuz they look on ET skill. maybe i will be better than they. and i still cant join cuz i wasnt high in ET
Why would you wanna join them, since you claim the skill level is started from zero? Make up your own team and train hard and you'll be high (atleast that's what you claim).
Well I really can't understand your journal :(
well, it makes sense to me tbh

if you get really skilled at rtcw2 you will be noticed anyway :P
it's not like they gonna call you a new talent and hacker from the start i suppose ;D
really true nice journal ;)
Reading TAG's post, i can't see them saying that if you're highskilled in ET then you're highskilled in rtcw2.. All they are saying that they want highskilled ET players in their team.
not giving other chance?
It's like saying "need a med+ player, no kiddies, no polaks etc.."

Thats not saying that you cant be a kid or a polish person AND be med+ it's just your requirements, being highskilled in et is just a requirement they set for applicants.
thats bullcrap
Tell me something new, I know I'm a faggot.

To go more on topic, I like their idea of thinking a step ahead.
yes its no problem of thinking a step ahead. but only high skill? what if they will be lowskilled? pls man.... with new game becomes new skill levels. converstation closed
How is this conversation closed? You clearly don't see they prefer players who know what they're doing, over players who don't.
i know what am i doing. and u still dont know me right?
That's completely irrelevant. I never said you don't know what you're doing. And no, sorry, I have no clue who I'm talking to.
yes and i am not some nub lowskilled i have damn alot of expirience and i could be in advantage in rtcw cuz i am not bad
Could you stay on topic? I am not judging anyone here. I don't even care who is good or bad in a game. The amount of nonsense is just silly and shouldn't be posted, simply because if you think before you post, there is nothing to make a big deal of, especially when it's not even a slight problem.
No, I do mind. I want to know what the point is.
oh my good. point is:

WITH THE NEW GAME NEED TO COME NEW SKILL LEVELS. even players wich are high in ET. shuld be low in rtcw2. clear?
So I should automatically be a low skilled player? That makes no sense. Skill is and will always be relative.
u think you will be high in rtcw from the begining? look i am already tired from this.
You could have also said in the content of your first post that you want to be the greatest player. That is basically what I am understanding, after reading through this journal.
Quoteit's like arguing with a brick wall
by Arachon

I'm sorry but I have to follow him on this.
:--D, If someone is high in some game it means he knows how to play somehow and he should have a good aim. The good aim will help you in this new game and you will learn to aim well in this new game much faster.
a player which is good in 1 game has probably also the potential/motivation/skill to be good in another game.
i am not bad in ET. but i am not high.

what if i become high in rtcw2? no1 will take me cuz i am "unknown" on ET
everybody has to start somewhere on that point tbh.. took me a while as well before i played eurocup, although i had the feeling i could play it earlier skillwise.
rofl xD i LOL'D
your point being?
No offense, just wanted to point out, that it's useless to discuss about this topic with specific users in here.

Nice edit :'(
+1, and he will improve in the game much faster than the others who don't have such experience and skill.
1 thing i 100% sure. if night starts playing rtcw2 he simply will never suck xD
there wont be any rifle in rtcw 2 :)
well skilled people in ET might have a big advantage over the low- skilled people when RtCW2 comes out.
i am not lowskilled and i am sure i will easly be as good as high skilled et players on rtcw2.
so u allready saved money for a hack?
Maybe the other ET players were just better then the rtcw players he used to play against? He was still able to compete at a high level.
i can also compete at high level.
ofcourse unknown's can get 'high'

image: hearts18stoned
ye its called weed
Then just become skilled in RTCW2, and if you get skilled enough you'll get that fame and glory you want.
if you are low (assuming you have played enough time and with decent teams,) in ET you wont ever become good in any FPS game

if you are highskilled in ET you are much likely to be highskilled in any other FPS games out there

also, nolife!=skill, thats a dumb assumption made by retards


"unknown" means unknown players, not exactly lowskilled, but with current ET situation "unknown" usually means cheater - answer about your n1ce recruitment post
i am not low and i am not high.
then you wont be neither high, neigher low in rtcw2, enjoy your med+

only NEW people who will play NEW game will have a chance to become either high or stay low forever

low players from any game will be low

high will be better

new players will be in range from low to high

stop dreaming
u see that is what i am talking. bullshit zr saying here. i can have advantage in game and can be high also. but point is you "highskillers" dont let other ppl chance
you can't because you obviously are stupid, bye
i was playing 2on2 and player was named fuzz and i asked if he is fuzz from cf. and he said yes. so i guess its you.

if that was you , than its shame u egoquit in midle of first round.

if that wasnt you nvm than
It is not bullshit.
If a person is high skilled in FPS, be it aim, tactical knowledge, or understanding of the game. This player is more likely to become high skilled faster than a person which is not high skilled in an FPS.
you dont even know how the game will look. so u cant say that ppl wich are high in ET will have easy advantage on rtcw2. maybe the game will look totaly diferent . totaly diferent aim and stuff. so i think the skill level shuld start from begining .
Sigh... it's like arguing with a brick wall.
<@cheasy> let's say i have a brother
<@cheasy> i dont but thats not the point now
<@cheasy> he played racing games since he was 2
<@cheasy> and i never play racing games
<@cheasy> and there is a new racing game being released
<@cheasy> that means, following his theorie, i could easily beat them
<@cheasy> since we all start by zero
<@cheasy> actually, we would be equally skilled
<@cheasy> since we both have the same genes passed on from our parents
<@cheasy> but i dont have a brother so thats impossible

Well he certainly didn't suck in ET and afaik he didn't even like ET much.
Quotefirst of all i would like you all realise that your a faggot.

Stopped reading, you're a faggot by yourself :x
sr, but don't start a post like this :>
put it in the middle of the post, no one reads long posts anyway :>
avi highskilled clan for sure #nvc
bibubabu just play rtcw2 alot and get skilled and then if you are still not picked up by a med+/high clan make this journal again... because I think that if youre really good at a game it's easy to get a clan altho you were unknown in ET.
that "unknown-newbie/1year-of-playing-ET" status won't hunt you in rtcw because in this new game you can proof yourself beeing as good as "highskilled ppl" and because everybody is new to the game new clans of the best "highskilled ppl" will form automaticly and if your good in rtcw2 their not gonna think "let's not take him because he only played ET 1 year"
i play ET 3 years :> but i got your point. i just want to say highskilled ppl dont give chance.
For example think of the idle moving RtCW to ET =)
his fragmovie is kinda nice xO
i dunno why...but i kinda agree with u
its a new game...there will be players from other games,that will easily rape any high skilorz from et...
just wait for the fking game...and then talk
Ima be high skill fo sho, im skilled at every thing. Look at my panzers for an example!
he was trolled easy enuff :)
sounds like you aint got a clue about gaming, sorry :(
seems like only "skilled" et players are trying to prove me wrong .
i played rtcw from day 1, it took me about 3 weeks to transfer my skill level to et, how's that possible?
your point is just plain bullshit
rtcw is almost same as ET so i agree with ur sentence. but rtcw2 wich will be totaly diferent game shuld have new skill levels. i am not saying you will be low. but u wont be high for sure
Wel lhe wil lbe higher than you.
I noticed it quite easy in cod4, I started playing cod4 with some med skillers in ET and I izi out aimed and out played em after we played a bit, almost equally amount of time also.
since it's already been annouced that wolfenstein will have rtcw/et elements, like the obj./teamplay-based gameplay, "skilled" rtcw/et people have the same advantage which they had when switching from rtcw to et.
as long as you ve played an egoshooter on a decent level (not even a must), you always got an advantage over some newschooler, even if he's talented. its experience that makes the difference.
if you cant agree on that, im sorry to tell you, but you dont know shit about gaming :(
how can you know that? >.>
just wait till the games out before u start macaronying ur undies ffs
omfg so bash this night and his clan if you are better, useless whine.
Fusen, I need an ignore function!
haha thanks for the laughs
muahahaha :D
did you ever see him @ action :DD? most of the best players in the beginning of ET came from RTCW top-players though.
you are so jealous rofl
sounds like you aint got a clue about gaming, sorry :(
i dont agree.
do u really think u will pwn highskilled et players who has more brain and better aim in playing? Its not only about practise, its talent, and if u dont have enough, u wont pwn in any games.
Stfu, you talk bullshit
stfu think at first why highplayers ar high
It's about the skill in another game shithead, U can't know that now.

And "highskilled" people should give normal people / beginners a change
lets stay at aiming: do u think u will aim like high in rtcw 2? i think not
That's what b1bub trying to say, and I agree with him, people that are high in RTCW:ET maybe dont have a high aim in Wolfenstein 2, I just made another "complication"
i understand ur point, but i have another opinion about aiming.
In my eyes it doesnt really matter which game u play.
if u have the talent to aim good, that means good eye-hand-coordination+reaction+rest, what u need for good aiming, then u will aim good in every game.
if you have a good aim you are high skilled

teamplay and smartplay are to much underrated these days

all you need is aim
omg, high people in ET have more experience in gaming that a low guy have, you dont need a brain to understand that
brain is all, ain is fucktardo! do object is all and teamwork! and yes i know its sarcasm from you (i hope)
omg, high people in ET have more experience in gaming that a low guy have, you dont need a brain to understand that
aimed at the poster of the journal >

What you misunderstand is that gaming is not about individual performance, its about what you can do when you dont perform well - which is the mark of a real highskilled player.

its easy to say you are 'highskilled' in ET purely because of the aim reliance, but in rtcw and etqw its not all aim other things rate just as high. (obviously theres high players in ET who have comms + gamesense, etcetc)

Weither tag dont understand it either is not the point, its mainly that you obviously do not. As a low player (I would amount this to be someone with no sense, tp, terrible comms and no idea about tactical setup) will have any chance in a new game, unles those things will not effect it - and with this being Wolfenstein, they will.
i know, your low---! plz stop being retard, bla bla bla
Oh god! thanks for the laugh!
very interesting journal
d.b1bub4bu INTEL fosho!
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