gift for my friend?

so he has a birthday...but i still in doubts what to buy him =/
some facts:
-im not gay
-he is not gay
-no dildo
-he already got mp player
-no pc games
-dont have any psp
i have like 3 to 4 psp...
get him a 600ne gun allways funny to play with those !
care cake, lol
a nice package of beer or some other alcoholic drinks!
bottle of some good vodka :D
some good bottle of absint!
» give him a reduction voucher to a shop (for something he's interested in) : is always good (:
beer ofc
Free blowjob
give him my config I'm sure it'll be worth more than the world to him !
hax included :x?
crate of beer?
bet she's going to turn 9... a pedobear party
just give him some money..? alcohol would also be nice
shoot him in the head
you guys are hopeless :(

better fact such as favourite hobby and how old is he would be nice :)

example: he plays football alot? buy him a voucher from adidas or nike....
16, doesnt drink too much alch( not sure, but at ;east i wont really give him 1) and he plays hmm he likes fighting (you know, those teaching ones)
are you avi @ sunday? ill contact u when the party is
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