swe - por

agon potm!!! great panzerfaust - skills that kills!
discuss! =) (5 kills with 1 shot![or 6???])


Quote by ag0n
Biggest fuckup ever by me. Gonna remember this one for years.

Well.. i spawned at wrong spawn, decided to shoot at same, but some guy at tuck jumped and well.. you know the rest (3 tk + 2 allies).

Sorry for my team. Eventhough we still won and we played very well at supply/gr. Radar was also very nice . To bad i just fuckedup everything.
didnt see it
lol nice portugal <3
5 teamkills?
20 secs left @ radar, allies had last parts in spawn and agon teamkilled 3-4 mates that were defending truck (as axis).
Well.. i spawned at wrong spawn, decided to shoot at same, but some guy at tuck jumped and well.. you know the rest (3 tk + 2 allies).
hehe, i know. you played good.. that can happen to any1.. just bit bad plaze.. ^^
Tbh i was playing decent , server was fine etc... but that panzer gonna keep in my mind for sometime :X
It was a nice game.

biggest fuckup ever by ag0n
they could have won 4-0
but it was a nice match anyway, well played portugal!
avi or it never happened! WOW firs surprise of groupsatges
@ supply p0r had 10k more dmg than swe.. they played really strong.
QuoteFriends? We don't need no stinking friends! Award -- lt;p0r ag0n ETBESTPANZ for killing 16 teammates
3 of them @ panzer :DDDDd
well, it wasn't really his fault if 1 guy jumped front of him
and anyways por owned swe hard
i said he is pro! looking for med skilled clan is so underrated for such an amazing player id say

Biggest fuckup ever by me. Gonna remember this one for years.

Well.. i spawned at wrong spawn, decided to shoot at same, but some guy at tuck jumped and well.. you know the rest (3 tk + 2 allies).

Sorry for my team. Eventhough we still won and we played very well at supply/gr. Radar was also very nice . To bad i just fuckedup everything.
if you announced the shot and he still jumped in front of you its his fuckup and not yours :D


edit: well, wrong spawn, ok your fuckup :D
omg you fucktard. First we poon you laik shit and then you poon on ETTV. NICE SKILLRAISE HACKER. IM GONNA BUST YOU SO HARD
Diferent team :) this one is the main lineup = better experience etc.

gg though
See you on Fusenlist #2 mister :).
erhm dont u mean #3 ?
You're just noob, making excuses:
image: egg%20hat

Nah, j/k GG, I loved the pf tbh :<
lmfao some1 is a little emo
avi or it didnt happen
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