Croatia :)))))))

Hello everyone! I already packed everything. Now, i am downloading some mp3 songs for my Sony MP3 player and waiting for my dinner. I am propably going to Croatia @ about ~ 21 CET and we are planning to be there @ 9 or 10 AM CET. I hope it will be fun there. I already put "roaming mode on" @ my phone. Too bad i can't stay here till my birthday (20th of July - Sunday :>) , but who cares :D More info soon!

EDIT: Maybe some1 could give me some wishes for birthday heheh :DD Would be nice.

EDIT 2: BrB , eat ;)

EDIT 3: My Sony MP3 Player

image: mp3af8
congrats champion
cant wait for the info
May your car be violently stolen.
is this shit real?
I wish you successful ET uninstallation
what did you eat? what songs did you download? which phone you got? with who are you traveling? what are you going to do there?
have fun, enjoy!
not enough info
i would like to now the color of your sony mp3 player
happy birthday :)
hi2u ms. nebu :)
btw: "Too bad i can't stay here till my birthday (20th of July - Sunday :>)" ;P
hi hansoo \o/

what do you mean Oo :s
hihi, he said his birthday is on sunday ;D
yes... and i said to him hb coz

QuoteEDIT: Maybe some1 could give me some wishes for birthday heheh :DD Would be nice.
oh right...but i often heard it might get you unlucky if you recieve birthday wishes before you even have birthday :O
Oo i never heard this D:
talking about croatia / croatians = ban
sony mp3 player? tell me more
sony mp3 player must be a fail!
driving to croatia for holiday too <3
i am going there 23.7
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