any athletics guys here?

if yes what do you run? and times ?

Im more a middle to long distance runner :)

my times:

100m - 11.3 sec
200m - 22.5 sec
400m - 52.4 sec
800m - going to do it next wednesay wish me luck :)
1000m - 2:48
1500m - 4 minutes
3000m - 9:30
5000m - 16:23
gl kenya rabbit
Cohen/TheoDor on 21/07/08, 12:56:52
axi0m on 21/07/08, 12:56:52

hax !
i wish i was a kenyan cause kenyan athletes have many of these: $$$$$$$$$$$$$
i only run to the fridge, lol
nice 100m time :] mine is around 12-13
only from police
100m 21sec
I'm slow like a turtle
2000m = 9:30~ for me =/
nah not at all... im still LOW+ compared with others :(
I'm just jealous =P
100m - 11.3 sec
200m - 22.5 sec
400m - 52.4 sec
800m - going to do it next wednesay wish me luck :)
1500m - 4 minutes
3000m - 9:30
5000m - 16:23
Put Cooper test results also :)
Mine is 3250 m
never done it. my training depends on red cells and white cells you know, blood stuff. My coach give me the schedule.. and i just run lol
2700 (with jeans and not taking it very seriously)
3200 last time, gg :'<
I thought you have only upper body muscles
I run 5.2 km , 6 days a week :P
Jogging doesn't really build much power/muscle in your legs, it's more to do with cardio/aerobic fitness.
Yes I know but draakon is referring to my history of bodybuilding which I did for over a year , he just didn't know that I train a lot for my condition aswell
running at fast pace? 5,2 km in 20 minutes or so? or more like jogging. Just wondering how did you train to run 3,2 km :D
at a speed of 13 +- km/hour ( probably like 14 / 15 even but I'm not sure so well :P )
When i was 13 i ran something like 4000...
in ur dreams maybe
Nope.. i just used to train 6-8 times a week and used bike to go everywhere..
i did coopertest with 12 years....had 2750
I can't run
your body stracture is not built for running :D
you are like an alien :~>
No, I just have bad asthma so I can't run very far.
I used to be in an athletics team too :{ (mostly javelin, hurdles and relay)
oh like darth vader :DDDDD
A lot of famous sports stars have asthma, medication has come a long way. I suffer from mild asthma and I don't have any problems, I use my inhaler very infrequently.
i know why so many sport stars have asthma...
I have a little more than mild asthma, I get random asthma attacks from eating chocolate bars and other food too :{{{

Still doesn't stop me from mountain biking and the occasional hike :P
Nice times :p.
havent really ran all of these distances,
but if i remember correctly then 100m time was 12,2
and 5km was lieeeek sth with 18. (wasnt taking it seriously there) :D
2400 is my cooper record
best ive ran...

100m - 10.99
200m - 23.95
1500m - 3m 52secs
5000m - 15m 21secs
nice 1500m :) - im working hard on it but you need alot of dedication to it.
Im more of a long distance runner then short. These times were my final year in school times.

I also ran for my city's school team in a uk school olympics.
10.99 isn't bad :)
nice scores
That was loike 2 years ago, add 2 secs to my 100 m now :D
my time is 11.4 now
im 2fat2run :(
aint done no metre runs since school lol cant remember the times
I can only remember my times on 60 m : 9,66 and 1000 m 4:05 it was in secondary school :P
lol. it's way tooo slow D:D:
yea im not the type of sprinter ;) 190 cm and 90 kg ^^
Our generation seems to be in bad shape.
100m - 12.something sec
200m - ...
400m - 53.1 sec
800m - ...
1500m - ...
3000m - 10:58
5200m ( a route around my house ) - edit typo 22:43

btw you run your 5K almost faster in speed than your 3K, sounds like bullshit to me :D

these times are a bit outdated, they are from 4 / 5 months ago and I should do a bit better at all of them except the 100m, nowadays I don't time it anymore, I just run 5K each day except the saturday
5200m ( a route around my house ) =DDDDDD uwen appartementsblok bedoelde
"een route rond mijn huis"

komaan oe dom moete nu zijn om dees mis te verstaan ;(
hij heeft wel 12/15 herexaams dus ge moet da verstaan :DDD
Depends why I'm running.. If it's after beer, then I can run really fast and really long :D
That's the real spirit :D
I'm terrible at long distance running. I can never pace myself properly, and on top of that I've always done anaerobic exercises (for other sports) so I'm more geared towards short-distance sprinting. I used to be pretty decent at short-distance but I stopped running competitively a couple of years ago.
i dont have stamina so i cant run fast :/
It's better just to run untill complete stamina failure every day. Just keep an eye on your heartbeat and stretch before AND AFTER. Running the same distance every day will slow down your progress and you'll be reaching a peak quite often.
back when i was 17 or 18 i run 11.7sec on 100m ... but now i will need like 15sec i guess :D
and that is with a car, by foot will take even longer.
haha xD
I'm not any better I guess =P
iam not atlethic, look at me.
lol how many liers here, 100m around 11 sec ofc

mine is 11.9 anyway
lol, indeed, those times are probably measured by some dude with a stopwatch at schoolsports and the track was only 80m instead of 100m
100m = 11.0 s
Must see it.

I used to have nice long jump results back then but now its just :X! + javelin throw
last time i ran 100m was a year ago and i ran in 9something. but im more of a long distance runner - im not that fast in short distances but i can run long distances without no troubles.
ofc 9sec, ofc
9.8ish -something near 10. u dont have to believe me if you dont want to - no1s forcing u to believe me.
how many time u training?
been playing football since the age of 6.

thats the time what was entered for the school result - i can say its 9.8(its more of bragging thing) but i surely say its wrong. i doubt the runway had the correct distance and then the teacher taking the time(not too correct either)
im since the age of 8 = ]
still not believing :D
world record is 9.76 in 100m, Estonian is 10.6. So stop ur bullshit :)
I think he ran 60 m :D:D
he set a new inoffical Estonia record than !!!1111 :D
we aren't talking e-sports, snap out of it pls!
pretty nice, the world record is also 9something.
Same thing for me.. execpt 6-8years ago :D And like 10s ;D

Now got sone joint problens and can justabout walk 1km...
thats a new finland\s record then
Could b that i remember wrong... All i remember for sure that it was a record time at my age then... idk idc
gl olympics
sure your name isn't justin gatlin right?
fucking e-hero :DDD
800m - 1.53
nice :) i plan to run 1'55/56 next wednesday
good luck :)
thanks. i need it :)
100m - 1hour
200m - 30mins
400m - can't
800m - lol who runs that long.
1500m - 4 hours
3000m - If im drunk i might do that with bike. Something like hour
5000m - Only by car
M = Metres not miles LoL - not even a turtle makes 100m in 1 hour xD
i do, im teenage mutant ninja turtle
but running is overrated. Only running after ladies is understandable =)
the best thing for me is the warmup and cool down where i can run and watch the girl's asses xD
That's the real spirit :D:D
im only running @ the gym with the running machine @ hill mode
i run 6.5 km 3-4 times a week in quite hilly area with those terrible paths full of rocks n stuff
takes me ~30m (i dont rly measure it, i just look at time when i leave home and then i look at time when i return :D

I expect myself to add another 2km in 2-3 weeks

(i started a year ago @ 4km which took me 40m back then :D)
try to make some variations of training.. too much hills is not good :) if you need any help pm me ;)
ye, im experiencing some problems at times (pain in hip joint) but its nothing that wouldnt come back to normal in 1 day. I've been thinking myself about a change in my training :o Like 2 times id run those 6.5km (or more, later) and two times only ~2km with emphasis on speed. When it comes to those hills i cant really choose any better. My current route is like ( U = uphill, F = flat, D = downhill)
D 200m (severe)
F 250m
U 550m (severe)
F 2400m
U 900m (mild)
D 1200m (mild)
F 600m

Since im also bodybuilding, which is the thing id like to concentrate on now as ive lost the fat i had and my condition is quite ok, id like to change my training accordingly -> give my muscles more space to develop while id still maintain (and improve) my condition.
you can include some FARTLEK if you know what it is.. it helps build stamina and endurance which is quite usefull and also when you're doing speed sessions, do some short distance repetitively with less recovery. For example: 3 x 1km @ 80/85% of your speed with 2 minutes recovery between each. But depends on what you are training for.
thanks for tips :o gonna try to use those tomorrow (today's my bodybuilding day)
well, im not training to become a bodybuilder nor a marathon runner. My goal is to have decent muscles (nothing like these gorillas attending competitions/steroid users) and also to have endurance. Im basically doing it for myself, to feel good and to push my limits :)
Np. when you need help just pm. always welcome :)
These times are over half year ago:
100m ~ 12.4sec
1000m ~ 3.32min?
3000m ~ 10.37.min
10000m ~ 42min

Forgot the rest times..
forgot to say my 1km - 2'48
you are a frkn rabbit :D
fuck knoes i was school best at shotput tho :D
Are you a jew? :s
thought so, jews can also run very fast :x
I'm not doing athletic but 2years ago I made 11.7sec @ 100m. Now I couldn't do it :D
too much beer= FAT + Running + 100m = 1hr xD
haha :P I'm still skinny 187/70 but doing workout since 3 months :D I started from 70kg :D
1000 m = 2.13
I did 12.7 something on 100 meters 10 years ago in the army.

Back then I was interested in lifting weights, my squat was around 180 kg raw, 200+ with knee wraps; got tired after the first 50 meters of running! Talk about conditioning. :D

That was the first and last time I've tried running.
running is boring, i rather play a sport which involves running. That way u have something to do while running
every sport is nice and everyone has his favourite :) the best thing about running is that what you achieve is for yourself and with your potential not like for example football. if you didnt play good and the rest play well and the team wins. what have you achieved? nothing. But i respect all other sports :)
great teamplay > all
No matter how good u do in an individual sport, its more fun to play good as a collective and share victory and defeat with ur teammates
100m - 11.5
200m - 22.0
1500m - 4.30

i was always more of a long distance runner. doing half marathons for county etc. but i had a lil bit of speed too :)
you can make the 1500m much much better!
i did 60 m 7.1
150 + run = doesn't fit together so i can't tell at all : /
I ran the Cooper test in 12minutes!
I was a 400m runner, can't remember my last few times but I ran against a guy at Country who could do it in 47 seconds, might have even been 46.
cmon guy..on one day 55% of the community is a bunch of nerds who are afraid to talk with the phone in publicc..
and the other day every1 runs 100m in 9sec :DDD

stop lying to yourself guys, it's the best way to rehab
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