
Need the correct spawntimes of axis & allies in the following maps (CB cfg):





U must have talked with rhand to much!
ice allies - 30, axis 25
beach allies 25, axis 35
delivery dunno but i think 20 for allies, 30 axis
bremen allies 20, axis 30
base the same like bremen
axis 30
allies 20

not so bright, are you ?
rotfl? xD
look in the config your server is running e.g. newest cb config


go on your server load the map and write /g_bluelimbotime for allied and /g_redlimbotime for axis spawn time... (iirc the times are set at gamestart, so ready up)
whats iirc?
if i recall correctly
IntelligentIRC of course!
go on your server load the correct map and start a game. lazy bastard
maybe be nice and tell him before flaming him :/
beach - 35/25
base 30/20
bremen 30/20
ice 20/30?
depends what cfg u play on? oasis_b3 allies 15 sec spawntime had changed into 10 :P quite hard to get full on that map as allies :D
In other hand it's easier to get full if you respawn every 10 seconds, it's just shorter time.
yeh thats also true. but u dont feel like u've really missed out the game. apparently its supposed to stop the map from being fullheld by axis but its still getting fullheld all the time
ice 30 25
Beach 25 35
delivery 20 30
bremen 20 30
base 20 30
go on a fkn server and check it out by yourself!!

fuck u midas !!!!
Hey, how does the allies spawntime in Frostbite go? They have 25 after the CP is build, but was it 20/30 before CP? Or have I just imagined whole thing, got 30 now everywhere.

Well, now that I think of it, the first stage isn´t so important, guess I just put 25 on it for whole time.
it is 25 throughout the map
cb config is 25 for allies.

just, those stupid ffa fag admins make it 30 for allies on their servers because noobs cant count to 25 and never know when spawn is, so everytime i play frostbite i have to type /timerset 30 because of them :)
I haven´t played on publics for over two years, has it been different in some older CB-configs? Doesn´t really matter, just wondering where have I got that idea that the time changes on allies.
Well, yes, long time ago, clanbase decided to make frostbite 25s for allies.
ask perfo
just play te game and watch spawntimes... shit how hard can it be
go chek it your self naabcake -_-
why are there always so many lowbies....
[AkfakznarF] keep trying
These spawntimes differ depending on the config u use / public you play on. You'd be surprised how many <highskilled> people don't know the spawntimes in these maps.
Sure if you play longer than 1 day you
can now it my little bro from 6 knows it....
L@Wbird :D

and you say other config omfg your gonna play
what important is with AkfakznarF own config...

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