almost weekend

only need to work from 15 till 19, then iam freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(for 5 days)
I love my job and my working times and my payment!
This weekend ill go to Switzerland Chapella Open Air, the place to be for old hippies and young potheads like me!
What are you nerds doing?
paly paly computer
bbq with friends i didnt see a long time
those are the things that make life worth living!
the open air will be a big bbq too, looking foward to it!
bbq party on saturday and i go other home on sunday with my pc + ps3 and nolife there :D
Drinking with girl/boy friends and maybe a bbq :-)
training, work in the garden, meet some friends! have a nice cup of hot chocolate with a girl!
What kind of training?
just some fitness stuff!
according to the news the weather is gonna be B-E-A-TIFUL during the weekend, so im hoping to go to Pärnu to wakeboard and hang around with friends :)
Friends? we have a clanmeeting? :P
haha :D i meant friends, as in the ones i talked to you about - who i carved out of clay. i named one wsk! :D
How nice of you!

image: 2c_2
yep, thats exactly what i carved you like!
me iz a donkeeey i-ah
ur sure as stubborn as a donkey :D
Hahaha maybe that's true =P
im sick and im trying to throw up but i cant (shit seems stuck or smth), so i sit behind the pc so that i will get dizzy enough to puke.

in the weekend i hope i will go to halkidiki and harass some grandmas at the beach by taking viagra and wearing really short "swimming trousers"
in the weekend i hope i will go to halkidiki and harass some grandmas at the beach by taking viagra and wearing really short "swimming trousers"

they wont be harassed that much, trust me. :XD
You always have some illness shizzle man, sad to hear
yeah half of the summer got fucked for me :(. Im afraid ive got a rapture in the stomache or entrails or smth, cause i cant shit or puke properly (theres blood coming from the anus and my stomache really hurts, maybe im pregnant or smth)... im going to the doctor next week if it doesnt stop
olol go to the doctor now imo.
could be cancer or some tumor or that kinda shit.
cancer runs in the family... my father had it (testicles), my grandmother had it (breast), + some other family members, distant and not so distant... omfg... =(
hope the best for you
thx man, if its cancer..................................... fuck this world
it wont be cancer!
just some somach upset or so.
i hope so, although i got blood coming from the "hole" for a year maybe, but never had any real pain, which started a week or 2 ago. im pessimistic cause my family has a rich history in cancer stuff, anyway hopefully it will pass...
wtf you spitted blood and dident go to doctor?
I once puked blood, but that was after 5 days of a constant very high alc level while only eating McDonalds/Burgerking (foodcontest style). I thought i would die any minute, coulden't rly see anymore, always had those black flashes and fell to the ground, while i had an incredible pain in all my organs. But the next morning i was fine.
we greeks have biggest dicks and noses in the world, just google for evidence. i mean, "greek" means anal sex...
is your ancestary dutch or greek btw?
mother is dutch, father is greek, so i got combo ancestary
trying to flame some noobs untill they cry :o
i called to the post service :~>
I'll get my new E-bass amplifier, so excited about it :O
what's your payment? ofc if it's not a secret.
i work 7 hours a day (3 hours (9-12) walking around with the child of my employer, and 4 hours (15-19) sitting in an exibition selling tickets and books) and i get 125 CHF (76.55 euro) per day.
so overall its a very easy job with some nice payment, i coulden't be happier about it.
Quotei work 7 hours a day (3 hours (9-12) walking around with the child of my employer

image: pedobear4dz
3 months old, np!
I will see Obama tonight. Already collected some bras, so I am ready for fanboyism!
obama's foreign politics will fail, but hes still better then Hilary or McCain imo.
hf @ watching him
nothing interesting today, preparing for a trip to this place though:

going either on friday evening or saturday morning, will be there for a week with friends, how many alive of us will return to home can't be predicted
Going to FinlandSeinäjoki
sounds interesting, what's there?
Festival called Vauhtiajot, a good reason to drink some alcohol.
There are enough ppl, who are each weekend drunken like shit without any reason :(
there is always a reason, and if theres none its easy to find one.
had holiday last 2 days for finishing new appartment.
tomorrow need to work again but hey its friday then allrdy :D
ye, almost! :(
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