ok, last week my headset broke on one side, and i fixed it using tape. wasn't too bad, since i just use the microphone of it in combination with my headphones. but then earlier this week my headphones broke, fixed it with tape too, but now the left ear-shell wont fit over my ear, so mainly i can hear less on that side.

As this shouldnt be enuff on my way to the complete fuck-up, few minutes ago my graphic-card died. first there were some weird some weird stripes on the screen, i wondered already. so i took the card out, tried to clean it on some places and cleaned the slot also.
Then i tried to put it back into the slot, and guess what?! when i tried to put in the power-plug of the card i accidently broke a condensator or something, just a tiny piece. now my card is broken tooo :((

im really sad panda now, runnin a cheap and old card my roomate borrowed me :((

edit: waiting for my DA to break now :<
thank you god
poor HansoO !!! :(

no paly next weeks?
i think i can, since even that shitty card will do it :(
oh drama, i'm feeling sorry for you
is that a serious one or is my sarcasm detector broken too?
This will cheer you up!

Have fun
damn got rickrolleD' :I well

I just wanna tell u how im feeling, gotta make u uderstand!!
we're no strangers to love
you know the rules and so do i!
warranty must have run out
so its some kind of self-destruction? btw: the headset is just 3 months old or so ;D
I sometimes indeed have the feeling that electronical things have some kind of trigger to self destruct, which triggers as soon as warranty has run out
its a fuckin conspiracy!! :O
mine seem to fail 2 years before it runs it , then i fix it myself and then it dies of lighting when warranty ran out xd

pc died 3times by lightning now :x
why the hell does your stuff die of lightnings? Do you have gay technique over there in belgium?
dunno , btw we import technology so blame the usa/japan/blabla

we bought some anti lightning thingy but it made an awful sound just 3 days before pc died xd
shit happens
medusa 5.1?
lol? how the fuck could you know that?
i had 2 medusa 5.1 until i bought a senheiser and both broke next to the earshell after around a year! :D
omg. luckily i just use the mic. but my technics headphones broke too now :((
well the mic fucked up around 1 month before the earshells broke so gL! :D

its a very nice headset with awesome sound but they are break to fast compared to a sennheiser with almost the same quality!
seems like i need to save money from now on, to even hear anything soon ;D
get a sennheiser pc 160 and you will be happy for the next years!
i'll keep that in mind, thx!! :)
god doesnt like you
i somehow expected that :(
im rly sad too because the quitbot is a nazi

<+quiz|42> Question Nr.2498: Welches englische Wort hat die meisten Bedeutungen ?
<SjutS> 7675
<TUR|RazZaH> set
<SjutS> 2
<Thaloris> sit
<+quiz|42> Hint: s..
<adadwas> brot
<SjutS> 341
<TUR|RazZaH> set
<Thaloris> sat
<SjutS> 32345
<tfh|Cerberuss> sex
<kolkelini> she
<Thaloris> see
<+quiz|42> Hint: .e.
<tfh|Cerberuss> set
<+quiz|42> *** Question answered *** (After 11.396 seconds)
<+quiz|42> Cool, tfh|Cerberuss (+2, total 96)
<+quiz|42> The correct answer was: set

sad panda :(

big hugggg \o/
luck just isnt on ur side :/
ill send you some pesos my friend
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