most exciting matches
29 Jul 2008, 12:14
saevus - insanity
idle - demiurge
what do you think was the most exciting match?
idle - demiurge
what do you think was the most exciting match?
what should we do? Spray cum allover?
"spraying cum everywhere"
even if they aren't exciting most of the time since parodia is dominating =D
e*oh and last match arsenal in champion league :o
5-6 ? 4 maps if I remember correctly
so after the 4th map it got to be 3-5
TLR vs EDit @ CDC4
6-3 for gods
4 maps, double fullhold @ radar. At oasis anubis was defusing the dynamite 3 times at the last second... wing@mortar
amazing match
could be viewable as well in gtv
could you send me the demos? i want to watch that match
I had strange aim , much higher sens than now :o
2006 spring OC 1/4 final orsmth :P
ofc old [>>] vs parodia @ mystic pov :D!
Madness at radar
mama vs rest
can't decide
u96d vs parodia in Ec final
Idle vs Demiurge
it wasnt really exciting :D
cotd vs </3
</3 vs vib (final 5v5 SC 2006) (this was so close :D, fast goldrush, pwnage from vib on frost and setting the same time in the decider ;D)
im gonna watch this ^^
ended up 4-2 for kick, was a thrilling game
was a nice match.