Enlarged 2008 \o/

Like Germany Noorgrin I'm going to Enlarged in Alsfeld this year. It will be my first time, since you have to be 18 to go there (ya rly). Noor already told you more than enough info so I guess I just tell you ma little story.

Actually I'm rly rly excited cause I'll meet all those nice ppl from the internetz. Also my clanmates, which are especially nice (Germany maTze, Germany hAschi, Germany nas!). As you may notice we, Team Zenith, are only 4 ppl, so we have to play with 2 random subs. Not that good, but it will be fun anyway.

Germany wEAK will pick me up around 13 or 14 cet, then we're heading directly to Alsfeld. I still haven't packed so I guess I'm taking a shower now, eat something, pack my stuff, eat again and wait for wEAKs arriving. Kinda much eating involved :D

Perhaps I have time to make a little report afterwards. (after the LAN) We'll see.

Well, a nice weekend to everyone of you guys and girls, maybe I'll see you there, maybe not, anyway greetings.

Ah and you can recognize me from my white Germany TEAM ZENITH shirt and my old nick M!st!k printed on the back (yeah fanboy alarm, NOT).
yeah we definatly need a report after you bundled your stuff and had a shower (and what you ate ofc!) plz do us this favour!

hF @ enlarged!!
:D after the lan I meant, would be pretty pointless to do one now.
Have fun there, im gonna leave for italy tomorrow morning!
Can't wait to enjoy Germany without you.

Hf !
yes :D

im quite happy but thats cos i finished my 10th schoolyear and graduated!:D
maybe ask Germany zAm if he plays with you in the ET 6on6 tournament, he is sitting right next to us (me) anyways.
so you can do a lanwallhack while playing them?
no but we are sitting right to zenith also... so he would be "sitting in one line" with them anyways...
you siting in one line with zen^flyingdj? :]
he's not coming this year as far as i know :)
maybe Dj is washing his hair :)
hf and dont forget to say that u are from the internets
2fast=>M!st!k OLDSCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have fun mate!
muah doomed 2 fail :D
hf anyways <3
cya there !

me and Germany snoop gonna leave arround 14cet ... (he was horrible drunk last night)
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