Tons of Wolfenstein screenshots

image: church_heavy_trooper_2

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Not too hot, Doom3-kind of vaseline-look is there for sure, though.
retard D:
vaseline-look :P
huoh, same pics which have posted here like million time
they do like green
Green is the new brown.
I can has Enclave Ultimate Power Armor from Fallout?
Looks like ET after all !

image: et
PetriP-TNT -> old + you can have it without watermark
Ok return to ur bed u need to sleep.
I smell failure.
hope online is alot better; if not; failboat is getting prepared for a large trip down failriver.
I´m afraid the game will suck, cause every game with doom3-engine sucked so far :(
Are those Screenshots from the PC version?
I guess it won´t make a big difference..
Gameplay-wise you are probably right. Just wondering if they reduced the graphics because of the size of the map (that is supposed to be huge...)
I watched the trailer and it looked like the console version from the movement.
Most likely that or Xbox360. The games will be EXTREMELY similar anyway.
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