Battlefield Heroes Beta Testing

QuoteCongratulations Soldier! Your application to beta test Battlefield Heroes has been approved andyour account has now been upgraded to access the QABoss beta testingforums with user name: Lazio Your unique Battlefield Heroes beta key is:
you missed out the key :X
i know what you did there ^_^
if im going to be on the beta, i will give you my key
since everyone from israel got a key, their server are sux for us :(
Why would some1 play this shit .... QuakeLive where r thou

try this :(
got one to!!!!
Dont leak it to nC :d/dD:D/
i read in the forums that they might sue you if you leak anything:D:D
then plz leak...
ngr wat! i like noedels
any time :O)
nah i dont believe you :>
tell me if it works
congrats 'soldier'
this game is crap
cause i wanna try it :o(
woot, naize dude

gratz :O
bf heroes sucks, rly
I just played it for a good hour and I really enjoyed it. It's not done yet but it's fun. It is not a new ET but for casual online fun it's the best game currently available.
Congratulations Soldier!

Your application to beta test Battlefield Heroes has been approved and
your account has now been upgraded to access the QABoss beta testing
forums with user name: blackjack
Lazio YOU OWN.
i signed up to that qaboss shit a while ago, is that all i had to do? :|
Ye, just say allot of bullshit how good ud be for the beta.
and tadaa
I said that I tested et:qw. :D
i think i did all that.... stuff like et:qw, hl2ctf, warsow, ff ;e
the last part of the message is gone. WHY!?
so i won beta key for wotlk .
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