New mobile phone, opinions?

Hi bitchs! Well im going to buy a new mobile phone (my current one is REALLY old :< ) but i need some opinions.
When i though about get a new mobile phone i had in my mind two main requests: Litle and not weight (fat... sorry for my english), but my mind changed (i think) after see a low-cost PDA.


The asus pda is kinda nice but its too big and a bit fat :< eventhough it supports wireless.

Opinions please.
1st looks best imo :)

edit: 1st
But the 2nd one costs +10€ and gives me alot of more functions, specially because i work with informatic everyday :\
but then again it's kinda "fat" compared to the 1st one, although i don't know the exact size of it
i laik the red one o:
samsung u700 is mine !
image: u7001
No! Nokia or a xpto pda.. I dont like the others :<
Samsung or LG has the best mobiles..
Oh please! :D What about nokia!?!?! Nokia > all (or almost)
sorry, but samsung > *
samsung.. rofl.
Currently on my 3rd samsung mobile (can refresh every 2 years @ my abo), and none have ever been broken. Also they do perfectly what they should do, and the design is also good. And yes, I do use my mobile phone alot.

Had a nokia once, it broke in 2 weeks.
how did it break? what was it?

had my last nokia for 6 years, no problems with that.
You wouldn't believe it, but one of the keys broke down and 1 hour after that it fell in the sand and it stopped working :D
too much expensive :f and sucks
200 usd
it depends on ur taste now :D
I would go for the Nokia 5610 because it made for listening music, and thats the only function I use (besided calling and sms)
nokia 6124 when have to shoose from theese, otherwise, smth from nokia N series, not that expensive but pretty cool (eg n95 with GPS)
Samsung player or you can find iPhone v1 8Go @200€ with some luck.
599€ at Portugal i think :<
gtfo and take your nokia with you
my brother had the Nokia 5610 and its really nice for listening to music..
I have an mp3, i dont think i need an mobile phone for that :<
all 3 bullshit, good night
I've got this one from my mum.

image: c60

More than enough. Consumption kills! ;)
mine is even older :)

image: nokia-3330

there won't be any mobile phone in the future that can reach this1 <3
best of it all, i remeber that phone falling from any height or to any surface and never get damaged:)
+ the "battery" lasts like forever :D
+ snake2 entertrained me for about 3 years at high school:-P
+1 :DD

what's your record? i was never rly good at it but i had somewhat 1200 i think (if im not completely in loss of my mind) :D
i dscovered (i was told) smth like a cheat:D if u pause the game just in th moment when the snake hits the thing (dunno how to call it lol:D) it count you points but the snake wont get longer, so by that technic i made about 10000:-P but it was not that fun like normal:) my normal record was close to 2000, smth like 1800 or so...
Yeah, I had the same. This one was cool. But I used the previous version of it, before my C60. Nokia 3210...
Me haz:

image: samsung-soul
champagne for the rich kid! :D

image: VasqueChampagneEtainSupport_G
samsung soul ?=(
it be sexy, almost bought it myself but figured it was too expensive knowing id break it after a few months :>
Hehe, I have never had a broken Samsung, this is my 3rd, 6 years, so dno what the hell u do with those things then :P

It's really awesome tbh, just take it!
my samsung u700 is in the shop being fixed atm, had it since 25th may, I throw with it, drop it on the street, etc ^^

My previous samsung (d600) fell in the ditch once, I found it after 10 minutes, and exept for a nasty smell it was still completely working, nothing wrong with it, and the 1.5 years after that it didn't have any problems or whatsoever, I was really amazed ^^
My warranty is still avi so I hope its unfixable and they give me a new 1 ^^
I just got myself an insurance (don't even know how much I pay for it, but it's cheap), so I will always get a new one in case of breakdown / theft.
I have a HTC Prophet PDA and would never change back to a normal phone.
1st, imo
I'd go for nokia, N95 or N94, shouldnt be that expensive, you could check from local e-auctions. but basically any nokia is fine, what you require from the phone is the deciding factor between the models.
N95 = 450€ or smth here :< kinda expensive :<
check e-auctions, n94 might be somewhat cheap.
what is e-auctions? give site please
online auctions, like ebay, but local.
Cheapest ones are the best ones when it comes to phones.
nokia 3310 > all. But imo the best is Nokia 5610
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