Hell of a weekend

Hi guys. Me and my 4 friends decided to go on a roadtrip to Kalajoki, tents and a lot of beer you know. Here's a small story about the trip:

I worked till 15:30 at friday, packed my things and headed to Tornio where the rest were waiting for me. We packed the car and drove to closest market to buy some beer. When we got back to the car, loaded the booze on board - all the sudden the trunk-door wouldn't close anymore. It was full of shit of course but it should've worked anyway. We tried and tried to make it work without success.

Then we decided to switch the car. We drove to my friends place, loaded all the stuff (a lot of it) into this small Peugeot. Now we thought that "Yey, finally we're going!". NOPE. We got 5 meters away from the parking lot and the car was out of gas. We were laughing hysterically for a great while. After one smoke and one beer I decided to try and fix the trunk-door of the other car, slammed it a couple of times and to our surprise, it worked...

Okay so we moved all the stuff back to this Honda and FINALLY managed to start our trip. 3 hours of driving with no problems.

When we got to the camping-area, there were 2 drug-addict vegetarian girls right next to us. My god they were annoying, the other girl was some sort of witch too. One was constantly screaming because she didn't have any weed and the other was meditating and looking at her tarot-cards. Fckin' lunatics. Anyway we managed to have fun with them after a lot of beer and vodka. We went to the club @ saturday night, found 2 asian girls in there and asked them to dance with us. I went home with the other asian chick and it was fun <3

Anyway, what a great weekend - just friends and NO GIRLFRIENDS. Booze, barbecue, fun. Possibly the last trip with these guys though :(

Thanks for reading! Work tomorrow...
work today! in 5.30 hours!

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did you bang the Asian one?
made me shed a tear
Pics of the asian one
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