post your oldest yawn you can find!

yo title says all, and say when you started playing ET.This journal was made to bring up some fine memories.

here is the oldest i could find for me

I play since ET release with 64 K ISDN

also most oldschool yawn gets cookies

+ no fakes please, real yawns only :/
i guess people are afraid for posting their yawns cause they have red triangles =/

1st. 2nd failed
my oldest nicks arent even on yawn
I think they start since 2005 or so. Ofc they aren't. It should go back to 2003 for me :).
ye i think i started playing in october 03 roughly

Shoot_em_dowN ftw :o)
I remember the first server. There was a french one called Voisin-Voisine running etmain. I was playing soldat with mg <3.

was a few days after yawn has been released for et, i guess
GOQ! that was the best pub ever
cant got red yawns on it
i doesnt show the oldest ones for me
my oldest nicks are not on yawn but if I remember right my first entry is from same day as yours (August 2005 anyway).
no, yawn lags like shit
somewhere 2005 or 2006
yawn isn't loading for me.
same it sucks nowadays
yawn is so fucking slow get better hosting ffs!
To many cheaters/
I daresay my earliest entry is from July 2005.
yawn never works, but anyway I started year 2003, so won't find that on yawn
started @ 2004 and yawn never works
as others, there wasnt any yawn yet :[
yawn never works, but anyway I started year 2003, so won't find that on yawn
ì cant even fucking load the yawn site...
yawn not loading... :1
hmm,got the game from a magazine called Level(it was the 2.55 version),somewhere in 2005(i cant remember exactly)
but at that time i was to busy with cs,but enjoyed et so much,and in time quited cs for et :D
Same yawn for 3 years now, too many fake nicks to go that far back.

2004 and 2.55 so no yawn entries
mr.Rough & LamaPaloeza =d
busting cheaters?
june 03, can't remember the nick though. hard to find when the site loads so nicely :-B
yawn has been loading for 3 hours now
i started to play before yawn appears
i started to play before yawn appeared according to yawn

My first nick was Secret_Nick
yawn is always down
after one year and few months of playing, oldest i can remember

Not et, but who cares, shows my noob nicknames n stuff :D
p3cK 7950ed61 2003/06/07
How about you change the topic subject to "what was your first nick in ET"?
yawn is too young for me...
oldest yawn from early 2006 :( altho i've played et since the beta.
pas på, nu kan LilleBror endelig finde ud af hvem "gotPing?" er/var ? :)
First seen 2005/07/23 20:21
Registered 2005/07/21 22:19 (GMT+1)
Started playing 12/2003
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