got owned in 1 on1 ;( plz help

Hi, i just got owned in a 1 on 1, by some noob from cybergmes, his nick is PDS and he is always with his friend called infernal. I was saying on cybergames how i can own maus and butchji in a 1 on 1 if i play really good, and they were there. And I wasnt playing so good coz i am too lazy. And they were trying to make fun of me after they killed me and i said i am highskilled and they said i am poke+.

So i challenged them to a 1 on 1, we went to valhalla and i got owned there. And i lost because i feel kinda tired sickish, but i felt also very much adrenaline and my hands felt heavy, and i couldnt move my mouse good anymore because of it :( . And i got angry on how much i had to run after him (PDS). So i played very shit and lost 33 -22. Then i told them why I lost! And they (three people were there) all started saying things like: WHINE! :DD :D and: Lol he isnt even a challenge.. and then they left.. :C.

Now i feel very much destroyed and very bad about it.. and I know if i would play my best i could have owned him and most people who play ET on a high level hard.. but it seems that once you loose a 1 on 1, thats it.. its hard to recover from it or set things right.

What do i do to feel ok again?

Edit: I did a rematch and I owned him with many frags on August 18 3:47 AM. Only remark: he egoquited just before the end of the last round, expected from a poor kid like him :D

It always makes me happy. =)
anima libera lalala musica!
but she only likes the winner :(
you cant do anything
you will feel bad for the rest of your life im afraid...
I can buy u some flowers

edit : or u can be nice to people on cybergames and not call them a noob when u got killed by them!
download a hack and pwn him
quuu i think theres PDS lol
play him again
onoes you can kill maus and butchji
do you want a prize?

You're hardly skilled if you can't even kill him, are you? :)
well i told you the reason didnt I?! D:
lol sad excuse not to beat this guy you're meant to pwnnnz.
Just accept the defeat :P
i'm honest
image: egoboost800w
the button, PUSH IT!

(thanks for pushing my journal down :<)
your journals sucks anyway probably
i was going to cheer you up, but this is just sad :(
is that worse?
hello PDS. you are n the etbot list. now gtfo
u are the the etbot list?
he is the the etbot list?
u got owned by a medskiller noob
lol @ your hacking quotes/achievements skiddy D:
i remember the name from somewhere but i dont know more , so tell me :O)
yeah, very funny, hf forfeting your cb matches
you already are
you find it
maybe, remember, you are the the the list
just fucking show it then?
hey killerboy why you want to bust him if you are netCoders customer? fucking moron first buy prv hax next want to bust clean players. get life brainless
true fucking kid go on with you fail bust we dont need u
please don't tell the nC head admins im a customer, my monies, i will lose them
so why you want to bust clean players if you are cheater? i rly dont understand your brain work. Just leave this website you kanker dwaas
write a journal and say the truth that you have found out on your own, you are right. sorry
still refreshing to see your journal
low+ id say
:D haha you suck imo tbh actually

edit: change you name to "brumu@2weeknoplaybadfpsnosoundsick" then you'v become perfect poltard homie. i remember in cybergames liek you got owned real hard (by me) you totally lost your nerves and after that you binded mouse1;quit and i lol'd

edit2: "So i challenged them to a 1 on 1" 1vs1 is always the answer if you get pwned, now i have to say that you made my day gone bad,coz i hate your kind of people,who is full of ego+totally suck...

Go to cybergames and show the bitches!!11
strange no one said it before, but, 1vs1 sucks :x
Oh I do so love those kiddy e-fights....
i'm not a kiddy
oh noez, "highskiller" got pwned and is whining now.. rofl gtfo. thx
btw why are the journals displayed by the guys u have on ur ignore list? i ignore him but can see his journals...
hahahhha lowskiller
-_____- pls
make an avi about it, and post it on crossfire. if enough people think its a hack you can get a forfeit and feel that success you never had.
merlinator ur mean.
its online gaming.
its serious business.
doesn't look so serious tho!
Sounds to me you'll be busy writing in your myspace blog this evening.


you can't be serious
kill yourself
journal or it never happened
Jeez KiLl3rBoY those people are so retarded :\. Have fun with busting!
you seem to me like an incarnation of malczik
really, 1on1's say nothing. I am fucking low myself, and I always rape everyone in 1on1's. Also, people who start saying crap like that to you when they win are epic fail + e-heroes, + it's prolly really seldom that they win, so they reach a topnotch state of happiness (too happy) Just ignore it and challenge him later again maybe, when you calmed down a bit.
spree gaat weer los !
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